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Search // course
Results 193-193 of 193 for ' course ' (0 seconds)
The G.O.D. boys Douglas Young and Ben Lau did it again. They turned Hong Kong upside down with the most outrageous party of the year. Bringing together a high energy group of hip hop ballers, fashionistas, the ultra chic underground, and of course, all the pretty boyz. Half naked models all around and if you felt like getting your own kit off a game of strip poker was wide open. 24 Herbs, the edgy cantonese hip hop band kept the crowd crazed while FINDS restaurant made sure endless cocktails flowed down the throats of the super fabs. Catch a glimpse of what you missed, or cannot remember, at www.SO-U.TV. For more information on how you can be in the spotlight too contact
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6249 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m32s | Views: 11155 | Comments: 2
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