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Search // germany
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:new damage, ein extravagantes musikalisches Erlebnis zwischen Dream Theater, Crowbar und Sevendust. Melancholie, eingängige Melodien und brachialer Gitarrenpower sind garantiert!
Categories // Music 
Added: 5583 days ago by emgmusic
Runtime: 8m11s | Views: 8791 | Comments: 0
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Implant for Denial liefern mit „otheroot“ kompromisslose und überraschend wandlungsfähige Songs im Stil von KORN, SEPULTURA oder LINKIN PARK ohne den eigenen roten Faden zu verlieren.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5583 days ago by emgmusic
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 13928 | Comments: 0
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Dedication to African Heritage during the Nigerian Community National day celebration and launching of the Nigeria Year Book Germany 2009/2010 in Muenster Germany
Added: 5584 days ago by MASSIVREX
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 9825 | Comments: 1



Eine Erinnerungsperformance zur Reichspogromnacht initiierte der Münchner Künstler Wolfram Kastner. Zwei Männer in SA-Uniform (Heinz Huber, Georg Schramm) führten fünf Personen (Wolfram Kastner, Edgar Liegl, Brigitta Oberhauser, Hiltraud Pusch-Zilker, Peter Thalheim) mit dem Davidstern durch Münchens Innenstadt. Die Polizei sah in der Aktion eine unangemeldete Demonstration und nahm Kastner und seine sechs Kollegen fest. Vom Hinweis der Veranstalter, daß es sich um eine nicht genehmigungspflichtige Kunstaktion handele, ließen sich die Ordnungshüter nicht beeindrucken.
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5648 days ago by actingartofmemory
Runtime: 7m14s | Views: 7495 | Comments: 0



Otto Dreßler 1. November 1930 - 11. Juli 2006 unmögliche Kunst Ausstellung im Bayerischern Landtag Kunstaktion gegen Rechtsradikalismus
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5648 days ago by actingartofmemory
Runtime: 8m16s | Views: 6265 | Comments: 0



Bücherverbrennung in Germany
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5649 days ago by actingartofmemory
Runtime: 6m40s | Views: 7970 | Comments: 0
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Just in time to the increase in prosperity of well known economic institutes the caravaning industry also comes along with a smile on its face. The business-fair about mobile homes, caravans and camping offers everything for the unbelieably solvent customer down to the economically priced model with a Dacia Logan base. But there are also news for the nearly ancient mobile homes: filters for carbon-particulate matter to upgrade cleaning systems for exhaust-emissions. A brighter future for old diesel-engines in Germany.
Tags // motorhome  fair  germany  vehicles  caravan  salon  vans  cars 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5661 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 9430 | Comments: 2
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Mens dreams consist mostly of curves. Or performance. Now they can have both: with the man vehicle, which was introduced at the motorhome fair CARAVAN SALON in Düsseldorf the typical man can enjoy curves in all forms, female and those on the streets, and also have the performance of a great Stereo System, TV and it goes without saying - the motor compartment.
Tags // motorhome  fair  germany  vehicles  caravan  salon  vans  cars 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5661 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 6937 | Comments: 2
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The 23 year old JAMES MOONY proves how energetic and confident a young artist can sound on his debut album. “Emer g enc y“ is a bubbling hybrid of Jamaican Dancehall, Southern HipHop and British Grime which doesn t knock on club doors but storms on the dancefloor and tears down anything in ist way. It isn t hard to hear that JAMES MOONY is at his best firing lines over mighty basses, never giving the listener a chance to catch his breath. His presence on the microphone allows him to cope without any features on all 13 tracks. It s all about his visions, his lyrics and his voice. The album was recorded and produced by the producer trio Come Clean, who supplied the young vocalist with energetic instrumentals. jamesmoony Born in Ghanas Capital Accra, in 1985, Mumuni Mohammed gathered his first musical experiences singing in the local choir. In the mid 90s he then moved to Austria s Capital Vienna, together with his parents. It was in Vienna where he had his initial contact with the club atmosphere and discovered his passion for driving, electronic sounds. In the year 2000 he then took his first own musical steps, setting up his home studio and absolving his first shows. Two years later he became a part of KDC, a HipHop and Dancehall formation, with whom he performed in Clubs in and around the cities borders. In the year 2007 JAMES MOONY moved again. This time he decided to reside in Germany s Capital, or more specifically Berlin-Kreuzberg, where the producer trio Come Clean took up their work with him. The first product of their cooperation is EMERGENCY, his cutting edge debut Now on itunes and amazon More from James Moony
Tags // james  moony  jamesmoony  james  emergency 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5697 days ago by Destroyer
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 8694 | Comments: 0
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The Times of India “A Day in the Life of Chennai” advertisement won the historic first Cannes Golden Lion for a film from India. It was produced by Good Morning films ( The main crew that set out to shoot this film was not unlike a task force from the UN. UP-ite, Bengali, Punjabi, Parsi, Malayalee, Hyderabadi, Englishman from Australia and Germany and of course Tamilians of Chennai all comprised the backgrounds of the chief technicians of this film. Jason West (of “Rock on” fame) was entrusted with shooting the Times Of India film and the music was produced by Vijay Anthony and sung by the renowned female folk singer Chinnaponnu. The location used was Kasimedu - Chennai’s Dharavi, Dongri and Kamatipura all rolled into one. Surprisingly this underbelly of Chennai proved to be not only the most exciting but also the most cooperative and accommodating for our shoot. The cutouts from the ad ranged from 12 to 50 feet! With the monstrous size of 50 feet also came the nightmarish logistics that were minor issues compared to the fact that all cut outs (except those of the ruling party) were banned from being put up in the city of Chennai! Some swift maneuvering so in some cases, we had to just had to sneak in, get our shots and get out without disrupting normal activity and attract unwanted attention! The official permission letter for shooting on the various public locations across Chennai reached us only on Day 2 of the shoot and that too with allotted time slots which were the complete opposite of what was requested in the shooting plan submitted to the cops! Brilliant maneuvering by the production team and some kamikaze shooting techniques adapted by director Bob and DOP Jason resulted in some of the memorable shots and moments of the film.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5708 days ago by goodmorningfilms
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 11109 | Comments: 1
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Porsche Cayenne Rallyraid at German Offroad Masters May 2009 - see more at
Tags // porsche  cayenne  german  off  road  masters  rally  trial  germany 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 5758 days ago by marathonrally
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 8288 | Comments: 1
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"Germany's Reality Check" is one of Europe's toughest streetball tournaments. For more info check out and
Categories // Event and Party  Street  Sport 
Added: 5773 days ago by BOOM
Runtime: 5m53s | Views: 9372 | Comments: 1
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