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Now, THE ONLY APP TO CALCULATE YOUR OFFICAL USGA HANDICAP can be yours! myGolfstats helps you keep easy track of driving, GIR, scramble, sand saves, putts, score, handicap, just like the pros do! In mere seconds, you can input your score then check your season progress on the US handicap site and get a real USGA handicap. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!
Tags // golf  scorecard  handicap  usga  sports  iphone 
Categories // Games  Sport 
Added: 4164 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1205 | Comments: 2



Ivey Poker announced today the official launch of the Ivey Poker App for mobile devices. Created by Phil Ivey – considered by many to be the greatest all-round poker player in the game – the Ivey Poker App is a free-to-play social game designed to deliver a truly authentic poker experience. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // phil  ivey  poker  free  to  play  online  game  training  videos  mobile  app  multivu  63459 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4180 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m28s | Views: 1119 | Comments: 2
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Janssen Healthcare Innovation, a team within Janssen Research & Development, LLC focusing on optimizing healthcare delivery, announced today the launch of Care4Today™ Mobile Health Manager 2.0 ( This free mobile platform and website is designed to help people stay on schedule with their medications with special features such as Care4Family™ and Care4Charity™ to support and motivate users to take their medications regularly. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4182 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 1830 | Comments: 1
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The City Birds are in danger and they need your help! Steer the birds to safety by dragging each one to a cage of the same color. But watch out; these birds don't like to be caged! They'll fight you at every turn by launching dive-bombing eggs, floating booby-trapped balloons and even strapping on jet packs to outrun you! You're the only one who can save the City Birds.
Tags // city  birds  game  ios  app  fun  addictive 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4184 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 1096 | Comments: 4
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Avatari offers revolutionary levels of interactivity, fidelity, and scale. The Avatari platform scales to support thousands of simultaneous users per region along with state of the art graphics, game-play, and social engagement. This adventure game perfectly awakens the players to a state of fresh youthfulness, adventurous spirit, inquisitiveness and idealism. Story Synopsis: Many millions of years ago, a great turmoil overshadowed our universe as the demigods and demons struggled for supremacy over heaven. The leader of the demons was their king, Hiranyakashipu, who above all else desired invincibility to ensure his victory over the demigods. Hiranyakashipu asked the cosmic engineer Brahma, “Let me not meet with death at the hands of any being, living or nonliving, be it animal, man, demon or god. Grant that I may not die inside or outside any building, during day or night, or while in water, on the ground, or in the sky, and let me not be killed by any weapon.” Having achieved what he thought was immortality, Hiranyakashipu planned how to take over the universe. Hiranyakashipu had wished for his son Prahlad to follow in his footsteps and become a cruel demon, but now he could understand that one day Prahlad would undermine his rule and give power back to the divine demigods. Thinking in this way, Hiranyakashipu became blind with rage, and ordered the demons to kill his saintly son by any means. Game Play: Divided into two game plays where initially the player Prahlad surpasses various obstacles and in the latter stage he enters into the warrior zone for the actual fight and witness the most spectacular pastime.
Tags // app  game  avatari  fun 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4188 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 1243 | Comments: 2
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From a new outfit to new school supplies and new friends, the first day of school is always one to remember. Now there is a new app that can help parents and teachers capture memories from the first day through all of the memorable moments during the entire school year.
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4195 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 1205 | Comments: 2
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With only 12 inches of blank space left on his body, Zombie Boy and Dermablend Professional join forces again to deliver an epic collaboration. Known for “Go Beyond the Cover,” the 2011 YouTube phenomenon that garnered 22 million views, six prestigious awards and a cult following, Zombie Boy and Dermablend are back with yet another shocking reveal! Using 3-D technology, Dermablend gives everyone the chance to get up close and personal with Zombie Boy; you can touch him, you can feel him…don’t worry he won’t bite. The duo offers fans the chance to delve deep into Zombie Boy’s secrets and discover the stories behind each tattoo…bet you can’t guess which tattoo was his first. Throughout your journey, take notice that Dermablend is always close by, for each tattoo you learn about, you also learn the Dermablend products used to cover the dark skeletal ink. Don’t assume it’s just Leg and Body Cover that was used, Cover Creme Foundation makes many appearances. And best of all, users can step into Zombie Boy’s skin to ”zombify” themselves , you may laugh now but if you want to be entered to win a trip to NYC Fashion Week!, then you may want to “zombify” your face sooner rather than later! To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4218 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1901 | Comments: 1
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Global health service company Cigna is on a mission: to get HopeLab’s cancer-fighting game app Re-Mission 2: Nanobot’s Revenge onto the phones and tablets of every young cancer patient in the world. The free app is available for Android and iOS (Apple) mobile devices. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // cigna  remission  hopelab  fight  cancer  free  mobile  game  app  multivu  62267 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4219 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1978 | Comments: 2
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In a continued effort to streamline the rental experience and improve the way consumers rent cars, The Hertz Corporation (NYSE:HTZ) is re-designing, updating and unveiling its locations worldwide. The transformed locations are a complete rethinking of what a car rental location and experience should be as the Company unveils “Road Trip by Hertz” retail stations located on-site that allows travelers to access everything they would need for business or leisurely travel. Travelers now enjoy concierge style service inside Hertz’s facilities with a streamlined rental experience that eliminates the need to wait in line, have access to an iPad station for researching local area information and to recharge their mobile devices, and can make use of printing and FedEx services on-site which add value to the experience, making it faster and easier. Hertz has started unveiling modernized locations around the globe, which to-date include its rental facilities at San Diego and Shanghai Airports, its Marble Arch location in central London and its Melboune, Australia headquarters, with more transformations planned for additional airports and neighborhood locations throughout the year. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4224 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 981 | Comments: 2
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Filmed, Produced and Edited by John Feraco. 1080p Version - LinkedIn - Starring Jacqueline Matarazzo and Nicholas Feraco. Voice over by Jacqueline Matarazzo. Associate Producer Frederick Feraco. This workshop will be exclusively taught by David Book the CEO of Buzztouch and Frederick Feraco of Buddy App Development. Visit these links for more information on David Book and Frederick Feraco's work. David Book's Company Website Frederick Feraco's Webpage
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4225 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m15s | Views: 1184 | Comments: 1
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There’s a lot more to Hollywood magic than smoke and mirrors – popular movie and TV shows about zombies, superheroes, spaceships and true crime only come to life because of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). That’s why Texas Instruments (TI) is launching “STEM Behind Hollywood,” an exciting new education program developed with assistance from The Science & Entertainment Exchange, a program of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as actress, neuroscientist and STEM education advocate Mayim Bialik. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4230 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 1111 | Comments: 0
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Marriott International (NYSE: MAR) has launched XplorSM, a groundbreaking mobile travel game celebrating bold adventure. A first in the hotel industry, Xplor engages people of all ages to virtually see the world by visiting five gateway cities and accomplishing varied sightseeing challenges along the way. Xplorers find clues, solve puzzles, answer trivia questions, and compete to win Marriott Rewards® points redeemable stays at more than 3,700 hotels across the globe. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // marriott  xplor  free  mobile  travel  game  app  rewards  hotels  apple  multivu  54187 
Added: 4232 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 2094 | Comments: 1
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