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Breath of God Song Video Have you ever wanted to get a picture in your mind what God’s Creation might sound like in music? Here is a video that can create talking points for the unbeliever in Jesus Christ. Some are afraid to speak the gospel to the unsaved so this video is for you! You can simple ask an unbeliever to view the video and then you can try to answers their questions. Summary of Video: Creation of God as described in Genesis: Day 1 - The earth is void (empty). God speaks Light into existence! This is not light of the Sun Moon and Stars, Day 2 - Creation of Expanse or the Sky, Day 3 - Creation of Dry land, and Vegetation, Day 4 - Creation of Sun, Moon and Stars, Day 5 - Creation of Sea creatures, Day 6 - Creation of Animals and then as a Grand Finale, Man is created like no other being with a soul to communicate with God! Other Events: 1. Satan then ruins Gods creation by introducing sin to mankind as a fallen angel (Serpent), 2. Man (Adam and Eve) rebel against God, 3. God has a plan of salvation for mankind in Jesus, God’s Son, 4. A Call for Repentance! Tell me what you think and make a comment! Appreciate, may the Lord Bless YOU! Jerry
Tags // Breath  of  God  song  video,  Creation,  Time,  How  time  began,  Christian 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4562 days ago by forhimforever
Runtime: 4m5s | Views: 3321 | Comments: 0
      Visit my site and download the full length recording to help you to stop worrying and create a wonderful life to programme your mind to have a wonderful life. This is the first few minutes of a full recording programming your mind to not only let go of the worrying habits but to plant suggestions of making your life better. If you click the link you can read more of what is on this hypnosis trance by Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams. If you think
Added: 4564 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 9m55s | Views: 6398 | Comments: 1
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Robert Lempka, previously CEO of ABN AMRO’s ‘marketindex’ and now Executive Chairman of new financial services player Gekko Global Markets has slammed the financial services industry saying “It has been clear for some time that many banks and other financial institutions have done little but think of themselves, they have lost touch with their customers and they are no longer trusted. At the same time the drive toward ever more stringent regulation will achieve little but drive more and more customers to finding self-directed means of investment”. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4572 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m49s | Views: 2479 | Comments: 1
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Bird phobia cured with NLP and hypnosis bird phobia can be cured with NLP and hypnosis. Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams shares how she helped a client overcome her bird phobia and fear of birds which was very extreme.Watch the video as Debbie uses humour to help her client think of birds differently leaving the bird phobia behind her. You can overcome a bird phobia with the NLP fast phobia cure. watch this bird phobia video a few times if you have a fear of birds plus subscribe to my channel as there are lots of NLP based videos which can help you to take control of your thoughts and overcome your bird phobia once and for all. If you want to see a NLP practitioner then I\\\\\\\'d recommend \\\\\\\
Categories // Business 
Added: 4586 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 5m2s | Views: 6119 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated We can help you choose the perfect domain name for any website at (even if it\\\'s not about mops). Has this been considered yet? Have you looked at This would be perfect.,, Has that been thought about yet, hmm? Think about this. That hair needs to be out of your eyes... Alright that\\\'s done. How about That domain is already owned by someone. Mighty-mop-lady perhaps? Oh wow! Might be what you need. *Sniffs* \\\
Tags // domain  domain  name  website  domain  website  name  free  website 
Added: 4595 days ago by freewebsite
Runtime: 6m1s | Views: 9079 | Comments: 1
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dr samit sekhar - Indian Surrogacy : Executive Director of Kiran Infertility Centre Pvt. Ltd.(KIC), he also holds positions of IVF and Surrogacy Program Director , Director- Supra Sperm Semen Bank and is also the Chief Embryologist in KIC. With an experience of more than 5 Years in the field of Infertility, he has treated a clientele of more than 2000 IVF/ ICSI Patients and 800 Surrogacy Patients from 21 different countries. In charge of the overall maintenance of the IVF lab he is also involved in day to day patient interaction and counseling He passed his Bachelors in medicine in distinction. His expertise includes In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra Cytoplasm Sperm Injection (ICSI), Embryo Freezing (Vitrification), Semen Banking (Semen Freezing) and PIGD (Pre-Implanation Genetic Diagnosis). Dr. Samit has been instrumental in bringing India on the Medical Tourism World Map as Surrogacy Capital of world. Under his leadership there have been 221 births through Surrogacy Program in KIC for Intended Parents of 17 different countries. Different from what people imagine a Doctor should be. love to live life on my own terms, I think out of the box.
Tags // dr  samit  sekhar  surrogacy 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4623 days ago by kiranivfgenetic
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 4077 | Comments: 0
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Are you someone who sweats all of the time? Have you tried just about every remedy you can think of and it still isn't getting any better? If so, this article will tell you how to stop sweating naturally. It can be very embarrassing when people appear to treat you as if you are unhygienic even though you know that you have showered at least twice that day and, to top it all off, if your self-esteem wasn't already low enough; the way in which others treat you can make it even worse. We had a great solution for your problem!!! Please visit us on and
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4632 days ago by csanne
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 2822 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Start for only $25: Affiliate Marketing System / If You Dont Have A System In Place Your In Trouble This economy is terrible and is not getting any better so why dont you have an affiliate marketing system in place? What are you waiting for? The thing about affiliate marketing is that you dont have to know anything but just follow a proven system. A system that if you follow to the tee. You will make money. Too many people need all the answers before they make a decision and that is a bad way to think.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4636 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 8m10s | Views: 2690 | Comments: 1
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Packing and moving are stressful - we make your moving box buying easy! All of our Moving Boxes and Moving Kits are designed to move the number of rooms you select with different combinations of moving box sizes and supplies to meet your specific box needs. For more information and tips go to: See what others think about go to:
Tags // movingboxguy 
Added: 4637 days ago by themovingboxguy
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 19152 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated If you think you have the cutest pet around then prove it.The cutest pet wins, submissions are free, and you could win $1000! Join now for free, click here ==>>
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4648 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 3415 | Comments: 1
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THINK: Magnetic Appeal. WHAT THEY ARE: Create a gorgeous 3D nail art effect in just seconds using these magnetic polishes. This unique formula has been specially developed with metallic particles to create a pattern on the nail using magnetic forces. As the magnet is held over the nail, the iron filings in the formula gravitate toward the magnet forming the pattern/design secretly hidden in the magnet for an astonishing finish! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // sally  hansen  magnetic  nail  polish  color  women  beauty  3d  metallic  nail  art  multivu  55430 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4670 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 44102 | Comments: 0
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Go to Aurawave Pain Reliever As Seen On TV treatment for your back pain. If you are sick and tired with your body aches and pains. If you think the only solution for pain reliever is to take over-the-counter pain relievers. Well, think again with Aurawave Pain Reliever As Seen On TV, pain is gone.‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4699 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 4515 | Comments: 0
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