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Search // advanced
Results 157-168 of 206 for ' advanced ' (0 seconds)
An early crop of advanced crash avoidance technologies includes some clear success stories when it comes to preventing crashes, insurance claim analyses by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) show. Forward collision avoidance systems, particularly those that can brake autonomously, along with adaptive headlights, which shift direction as the driver steers, show the biggest crash reductions. Lane departure warning appears to hurt, rather than help, though it’s not clear why, and other systems, such as blind spot detection and park assist, aren’t showing clear effects on crash patterns yet. HLDI analysts looked at how each feature affected claim frequency under a variety of insurance coverages for damage and injuries. Clear patterns were seen in claims under property damage liability (PDL) insurance, which covers damage caused by the insured vehicle to another vehicle, and collision insurance, which covers damage to the insured vehicle. Frequency is measured as the number of claims relative to the number of insured vehicle years. An insured vehicle year is one vehicle insured for one year, two vehicles for six months, etc. The model years of the vehicles included ranged from 2000 to 2011, depending on when an automaker introduced a feature. Insurance data through August 2011 were used.
Added: 4599 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 3255 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated AVAILABLE:,, Amazon Kindle The author details her personal experiences of abuse and victimization by law enforcement using real time surveillance, and highly advanced patented influence technology today called psychological electronic or
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4612 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 3551 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated AVAILABLE:,, Amazon Kindle The author details her personal experiences of abuse and victimization by law enforcement using real time surveillance, and highly advanced patented influence technology today called psychological electronic or
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4612 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 3437 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated AVAILABLE:,, Amazon Kindle The author details her personal experiences of abuse and victimization by law enforcement using real time surveillance, and highly advanced patented influence technology today called psychological electronic or
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4612 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 3407 | Comments: 0
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As part of its continued dedication to lead the hospitality industry in customer care, Best Western International is rolling out its “I Care Clean” program throughout 2012 that will bring advanced cleaning technologies used in hospitals, such as UV wands and black lights, to the more than 2,100 Best Western hotels in North America. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4632 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 5720 | Comments: 2
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ADP ®, a leading provider of talent management solutions, today introduced an integrated end-to-end platform designed to enable organizations to acquire, develop and retain top talent, while ensuring that they remain leading performers. Crowning a multi-year strategic development effort to create the industry’s leading integrated talent solution, the new ADP platform leverages advanced learning management tools, insightful learning content from Bersin and Associates, as well as an enterprise competency framework to significantly improve the talent management processes of leading organizations. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4642 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 6053 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - Wide Grip Lat Pull-Downs | Back Exercises - Wide grip pull-downs serve as an alternative to pull-ups and are useful for all weight-lifters - beginner to advanced. Being able to adjust the weight is very useful because the beginner can reduce the weight lifted - if their own weight is too heavy for them to lift when doing pull-ups and the advanced lifter can increase the weight beyond their own body weight. Most experts suggest that pull-ups are a superior exercise, so wide grip pull-downs should take back seat to pull-ups when possible. A problem with pull-downs in general is that some users can't isolate the lats and end up using their biceps to do a lot of the work. To isolate the lats, use a wide grip and when you're pulling down, focus on your lats pulling inwards as they go down. Imagine them pulling down in a semi-circle motion. The wider grip promotes the width of the upper portion of the lats. Never try to pull the bar down using your forearms. The forearms will simply be used to hold the bar. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4671 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 4286 | Comments: 1



Today, Gundersen Health System based in La Crosse, Wis., released Having Your Own Say: Getting the Right Care When It Matters Most. The book highlights innovative, proven models of person-centered care from around the United States and Australia that empower people with advanced illness to receive the quality care they want, with greater patient and family satisfaction and, while not the goal, lower costs. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4704 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 6179 | Comments: 0
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Researchers have identified the first gene mutation associated with a chronic and often fatal form of neuroblastoma that typically strikes adolescents and young adults. The finding provides the first clue about the genetic basis of the long-recognized but poorly understood link between treatment outcome and age at diagnosis. The study involved 104 infants, children and young adults with advanced neuroblastoma, a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system. Investigators discovered the ATRX gene was mutated only in patients age 5 and older. The alterations occurred most often in patients age 12 and older. These older patients were also more likely than their younger counterparts to have a chronic form of neuroblastoma and die years after their disease is diagnosed. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4710 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m25s | Views: 4560 | Comments: 0
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Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) today introduced TI Silicon Valley Labs, its research center for innovation in analog and mixed signal electronics. The labs’ charter is to conduct advanced research and development in analog and mixed signal circuits and technologies through recruitment of top talent and close collaboration with universities and customers. Watch a video about TI Silicon Valley Labs at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4710 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 6m4s | Views: 4953 | Comments: 1
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Nissan is aiming to change the face of endurance racing forever by becoming a founding partner in the most radical motorsport project of its time – Nissan DeltaWing. A highly-advanced and hugely-efficient Nissan engine will power the remarkable DeltaWing car as it races in anger for the first time at the legendary Le Mans 24 Hours (16-17 June). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 4711 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 6255 | Comments: 2
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Approximately 80 million American men and women experience some form of hair loss. Premature balding or thinning hair can often result in a decrease of self esteem. Freedom Laser Therapy of Los Angeles is dedicated to change all that by bringing their iRestore Hair Rejuvenation System to the mass market. This proven, safe Laser Hair Restoration Technology, otherwise known as phototherapy, is a scientific process providing stimulation to cells in your hair. The 25-year old advanced low-level laser treatment stimulates the scalp, allowing miniaturized and dormant hair follicles to rejuvenate. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4711 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 6541 | Comments: 0
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