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Learn how to make a living playing music no matter where you live; no matter what style of music you play.
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Categories // Music  Business  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5444 days ago by pianomandan
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 6312 | Comments: 2
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By the close of the 1942 season, Ted Williams became a fighter pilot and flight instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps, all through World War II. He served through 1945 and making his return to the Red Sox in the Spring of 1946, Pushing the team to win the American League pennant and taking home the MVP award. Despite the fact the Red Sox lost the World Series (the only one Williams played in) to the St. Louis Cardinals that year, Williams'spreeminenceas an outstanding hitter grewby leaps and bounds. He became known as the Splendid Splinter and the Thumper, for his 6'3" rail-thin frame and his power behind the bat was also ca;lled the kid. In 1947, Williams won his second Triple Crown but lost the MVP title to DiMaggio by only one vote, a slight by the sportswriters that Williams in no way forgot. In 1949, he was voted American League MVP for the second time. In 1950, while having a momentous season, Williams fractured his elbow during the All-Star Game at Comiskey Park in Chicago; he smashed into the wall while catching a fly ball. He finished that game, but the damage cost him more than sixty games, despite the fact he played well during the games he did play. He hit .318 in 1951 but then went back into the military service in 1952 and 1953, for the duration of the Korean War. After a crash landing of his fighter plane and a bout with pneumonia, he was sent back to the states. He announced his retirement from baseball in 1954 but then changed his mind and stayed on with the Red Sox, because he would have been ineligible for Hall of Fame election on the first ballot if he quit too soon. He suffered a series of injuries in the mid-1950s, but in 1957, at almost forty years old, he hit .388 and became the oldest player to ever win a batting championship. He hit .453 during the second half of the season. Williams was more popular than ever before and finished second only to Mickey Mantle in MVP balloting. The following year, Williams batted .328, still high enough to lead the league in batting. During this part of his career he won the nickname Teddy Ballgame, although his favorite nickname for himself was always "The Kid."
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5461 days ago by gdodrell
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 7691 | Comments: 1
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Best Kuna Idaho School | Mrs Nixon' 3rd Grade class enjoyed the annual Crimson Point Career Day. Banking, Helicopter Pilot, Musician and others shared their career details with eager students...
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5471 days ago by education32
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 5065 | Comments: 0
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Best Kuna Idaho School ~ Crimson Point Elementary ~ (208) 955-0230 ~ Kuna Idaho is certainly one of the fastest growing communities in Idaho. Some of the best schools are in this growing rural community...
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Added: 5471 days ago by education32
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 4812 | Comments: 0
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Are you suffering from “mental malnutrition?” It’s because the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of specialists! Generalists maximize their leisure, have more fun, and develop better economic prospects. Thus, The Vigorous Mind promotes cross training the brain, not just the body. Author Ingrid Cummings cites neuroscience to help readers become latter day big picture Renaissance People. The Vigorous Mind Ingrid E. Cummings Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book Genre: Non Fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5544 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 3m16s | Views: 6016 | Comments: 2
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Brad Cutler, twenty-eight, is a rising star at his New York ad agency, about to marry the girl of his dreams. Anyone would agree he has it all a great career, a beautiful and loving fiancée, and a fairy tale life ahead of him—when memories of a high school girlfriend begin to torment him. Lost innocence and one very difficult choice flood his conscience, and he is no longer sure what the future will bring except for this: He must find his old love and make amends. Haunted by the past and confused about the future, he turns to God seeking forgiveness and redemption. Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. Christian fiction, literary fiction, Spiritual Growth, Contemporary. Find out more about Karen Kingsbury at Find out more about the book at
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5553 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 9359 | Comments: 2
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Brad Cutler, twenty-eight, is a rising star at his New York ad agency, about to marry the girl of his dreams. Anyone would agree he has it all a great career, a beautiful and loving fiancée, and a fairy tale life ahead of him—when memories of a high school girlfriend begin to torment him. Lost innocence and one very difficult choice flood his conscience, and he is no longer sure what the future will bring except for this: He must find his old love and make amends. Haunted by the past and confused about the future, he turns to God seeking forgiveness and redemption. Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. Christian fiction, literary fiction, Spiritual Growth, Contemporary. Find out more about Karen Kingsbury at Find out more about the book at
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5562 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 13158 | Comments: 3
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Aspiring journalist Dan expected so much more after graduation…but with no job, little ambition and a girlfriend seems more interested in her boss than him, life is not exactly as he planned. In a bid to get his life back on track and coerced by his womanising flatmate, Dan is introduced to the risqué sex scene that is DOGGING. Encountering an array of weird and wonderful characters looking for the ultimate high, it’s quickly clear that the scene is ripe for a journalistic exposé, which could kick-start his career. Dropping his inhibitions in the name of research, Dan quickly becomes a regular player in the DOGGING online community. Under the pseudonym “East Of England 8 inches” he meets fellow thrill-seeker “Horny Geordie Lass” and the totally unexpected happens… he falls in love. Simon Ellis’s debut feature is a heartfelt screwball comedy, which contains sharp observation on love with all the perils, pitfalls and wrong turns it takes to find ‘the one’.
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5606 days ago by moweenstar
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 10490 | Comments: 2
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Highlights from the marvelous career of Television's Todd Robert Anderson
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Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5618 days ago by toddrobertanderson
Runtime: 7m27s | Views: 4535 | Comments: 1
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Identify your skills, interests and abilities. Perhaps this will enable you to find a new career or direction. Get more lifestyle news, business reviews, breaking news, daily news highlights, Caribbean business news and more online media services from Jamaica’s All Media Services Limited.
Added: 5635 days ago by businesscontentja
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 7339 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Best medical careers, Top medical jobs,Medical careers salary, Medical humor, crazy nursing jokes.
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Categories // Funny  Comedy  Sexy 
Added: 5670 days ago by MedicalJob
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 4602 | Comments: 2
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Where to find a free CNA training? Go to: Nursing assistants, sometimes called nurse aides and geriatric aides, assist licensed nursing personnel in providing nursing care. They work under the direction and supervision of registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and other medical staff.
Added: 5671 days ago by MedicalJob
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 8185 | Comments: 3
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