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Will Corrente of Very Important Paws is pleased to see his dog clients happy when they arrive for their stay at VIP. VIP is an upscale dog daycare, hotel, grooming and training facility in West Palm Beach, Florida. For overnight stays VIP offers exciting theme rooms, the Tuscany suite, the Hamptons, Casa Blanca and Palm Beach. When the owners leave their dogs they can rest easy that their pets are in a place where they will be well taken care of and can play and interact with other dogs of the same size and temperament. The boutique at VIP offers its customers the convenience of having any item the owner or dog may need- chewy treats, bones, leashes, toys, grooming accessories, clothing and their all- natural line of food. Visit Very Important Paws on
Categories // Pets and Animals  Business 
Added: 6159 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 12185 | Comments: 3



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