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Search // september
Results 121-132 of 221 for ' september ' (0 seconds)
World Spa and Well Being Convention 2012, at Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani from September 19th to the 21st. Now we are going to look into one of the most expected activities of the convention, the congress or the seminars.
Tags // world  spa  thai  massage  thailand  herbal 
Added: 4459 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 2970 | Comments: 1
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Thailand is one among the countries that has long been recognized as a world’s spa and well-being destination. Whether it’s the Thai massage, Thai herbal and beauty products and treatments, or the genuine service and hospitality, Thailand has got it all. And there can never be a more suitable place for an international spa convention to take place than in our country. Today, we are going to find out more about World Spa & Well Being Convention 2012 held from September 19 – 21 at Impact Arena Maung Thong Thani. With the slogan “By hand, through head, with heart,” the event brings together a product, service, and the newest innovation exhibition; seminars, and Thailand Spa & Well Being Award ceremony.
Tags // world  spa  thai  massage  thailand  herbal 
Added: 4459 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 1740 | Comments: 1
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Almirall, S.A. (ALM:MC) and Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:IRWD) announced today that the European Commission has granted marketing authorization to Constella® (linaclotide 290mcg) for the symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation (IBS-C) in adults . This approval follows the positive recommendation received from the European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) in September. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4481 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m44s | Views: 1988 | Comments: 1
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At the end of June 2012 I learned through an Akashic Reading that my soul is from another star. My research led me to the 2012 Scenario website. I started tuning in to radio shows on InLight Radio including Let\'s Talk 2012 & Beyond which I find inspiring. In mid August after hearing listeners talk about their personal galactic encounters I had a close personal encounter with a ship that was so real it was undeniable. I was beamed onto a ship to communicate with my galactic family. There were no words communicated to me but a tremendous feeling of love. Where I had initially felt fear, it melted and was replaced with love and gratitude. Two days later my twin flame and I began seeing ships in the night sky. We could confirm that these were not stars or satellites because they pulsated light when we asked them questions and acknowledged them. They actually moved around in many directions, freezing when airplanes would come close to them. There have been many exciting encounters throughout the month of September and now October (time of video posting) which have been shared with Koreans and other foreigners. See my article on
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4510 days ago by vidpro883
Runtime: 3m40s | Views: 1170 | Comments: 0
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Did you witness a movement that spread across European capital cities? Did you relate to this unprecedented protest against the approaching rainy autumn? Are you now dying to know the origins of the Movement for More Summer? It was born in the streets, relayed by the Internet and raced across social networks with dazzling speed, generating reactions and sharing of experience by over 20 000 Internet users, notably on Facebook and Twitter. The Moroccan National Tourist Office originated this movement in an attempt to make Europeans, who are getting depressed at the idea of being stuck at work during endless working days, smile again. The MNTO has decided to launch a widespread, humorous and unexpected campaign through the whole of Europe to protest against the end of summer and defeat “back to work” gloominess. The Movement was thus launched in September using various phases in the approach, combining digital and event initiatives. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4523 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m19s | Views: 3865 | Comments: 1



Out Of My Mind is the brand new single from UK Producer & DJ Paul Rudd which will be released on the 23rd September 2012. It's available to pre-order now from iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, HMV, Play and other online digital stores. Already getting radio airplay and support from Kiss FM, The Wideboys, Dave Pearce, Seahaven and others, this sixth single from Paul will feature on his forthcoming album 'Sound of London' alongside previous releases Neon Lights, Control Me, Set Me Free 2012, More Amore, Egotastic and X-Me.‎
Tags // paul  rudd  out  of  my  mind  original  mix  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4529 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 1604 | Comments: 0
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On Grand Final Day, September 29 2012, there was another team putting it all on the line. The NAB Stand-Ins. A dedicated team of NAB men and women tackling the game day duties for fans across the country so they could go to the 2012 Toyota Grand Final. Extended version coming soon.
Tags // nab  stand-ins  grand  final  day  highlights  2012  toyota  grand  final 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4536 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 3076 | Comments: 0
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Truvia®, the #1 natural zero calorie sweetener, announced the launch of a multimillion dollar integrated marketing campaign, “From Nature. For Sweetness.” The new creative campaign, kicked off on September 24th, will further drive consumer awareness, trial and adoption of Truvia® products in the U.S. Since opening the U.S. market for stevia-based sweeteners in 2008, the Truvia® brand has led the natural sweetener category and now holds a 61 percent market share. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4544 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 3034 | Comments: 2
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Cesar Millan, Scooby-Doo and Warner Bros. Consumer Products took over the National Mall for the Second Annual National Family Pack Walk on September 29, in Washington, D.C. Pack leaders, Cesar Millan and Scooby-Doo, accompanied by an estimated ten thousand friends and supporters, gathered at the National Mall for the “One Million Paw March.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4544 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 1474 | Comments: 0
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In honour of Milan’s fashion week, Fidenza Village is proud, for the third consecutive year, to participate in the Vogue Talents partnership with Palazzo Morando’s dedicated preview that opens to the public from Friday 21 September until Monday 24 September. This important, ongoing collaboration between Vogue Italia and Fidenza Village marks a shared passion and dedicates support programmes to helping emerging creative talent. Together with Vogue Italia’s Franca Sozzani, Fidenza Village is committed to investing in fashion for tomorrow, supporting emerging talents and ensuring an exciting legacy for the future of creativity and fashion. The venue will also host Vogue’s eighth year of involvement in the Italian Who is on Next? programme, which aims to find new national talents in the prêt-à-porter fashion and accessories industry. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4545 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 2726 | Comments: 1
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Throughout September, Dollar General will celebrate schools and honor teachers during its year-long “Every Day Heroes” campaign. In celebration of schools everywhere, Dollar General will offer customers the opportunity to win money for their school through the Dollar General “Write to Win” promotion. Customers ages 21 and over may visit to submit a brief essay about why their school deserves to win. Three essays will be selected and the winning schools mentioned in those essays will win $10,000 each. In partnership with Procter & Gamble® (P&G), Dollar General is honoring schools across the country and is proud to be featuring AAMA-Sanchez Charter School in Houston. One of the school’s teachers, Melanie Flores, will represent the school on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network in September as part of the “Every Day Heroes” campaign. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4548 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 2505 | Comments: 1
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Fergie, eight-time Grammy Award winner and global ambassador for the Avon Foundation for Women, was a special guest at the tenth annual Southern California Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara, CA, on September 22-23. The Avon Walk Santa Barbara, the seventh of nine Avon Walks this year, raised more than $4.7 million to advance access to care and breast cancer research. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 4551 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 2947 | Comments: 0
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