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Search // relationship
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After 6 months touring the UK conquering its four corners and everything in between, Liverpudian indie kids, The Steeples will release their second single Loosy Lucy on 23rd June. A combination of crafted songwriting, passionate performance and shear ‘blood, sweat and beers’ have seen them already convert unsuspecting gig goers to bona fide ‘Steeple People,’ throughout the land. With a bouncy boyish playfulness, and heartfelt yearning, the Steeples ‘Loosy Lucy’ takes us to a familiar heartache of a past relationship when the grass seems greener. Their sincerity is balanced with a jovialness that results in an upbeat pop song, saving us from an unwanted adolescent angst or depressing dirge. There is a certain romantic charm to these boys as they sing of their despair that will leave Lucy’s everywhere flocking to their next gig. With ‘Album of the Month’ in Maxim and ‘Single of the week at Xfm’ they have already created quite a buzz with their pretty boy looks, cheeky northern accents and great indie pop riffs. The Steeples offer us a fresh ‘Doherty-esque’ sound that remains tight and together, and possess a certain quirkiness that few bands can convincingly convey. Earlier this year the band were invited to play Liverpool and Blackburn’s Oxjam events alongside The Bluetones, The Wedding Present, The Thrills and Rumblestrips. With the single out this June, closely followed by the much anticipated debut album, ‘Tea For Two’ in July The Steeples are sure to be a towering success. 2008 will see the band storm through the Indie scene as they embark on their first nationwide tour.
Tags // indie  pop  rock  the  steeples  guitar  nme 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6169 days ago by zestpr
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 9910 | Comments: 0



Dean Meldaus first single Beautiful. The music video was shot in Belgium in April 2006. It was nominated for Best Love Scene award for 2006 MK89 Awards! Dean is currently recording his new album and will be relocating to the United Kingdom in September 2007 Find out more by going to
Tags // beaty  beautiful  sexy  boy  girl  love  scene  sex  award  blonde  relationship  bond  blue  eyes  beanie  style 
Categories // Music  Sexy  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6257 days ago by deanmeldau
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 9459 | Comments: 1



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