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Search // father
Results 121-123 of 123 for ' father ' (0 seconds)
Does the test of the Ten Commandments really stand today? When the Lord Jesus Christ said to love God, and to love thy neighbour, was He not in fact summarising the first four & last six of the Ten Commandments? Jesus is and always has been of the Father Almighty - and His Law is of the Father\\\'s Law. Anything else does not come from Scripture and is of the tradition of man. A must see video for all!
Added: 6132 days ago by brightangel777
Runtime: 5m37s | Views: 13304 | Comments: 1



Thomas McNamara, otherwise known as Macky, has been making art for as long as he can remember, winning sculpting contests as early as junior high. At 11, his father got him a lead soldier-making kit. That’s when art was introduced and it quickly became evident that it was to be his purpose in life. At 11 he could melt the lead in a small pot, pour it into molds, and paint the little figurines. These soldiers were often given to his parent’s friends. The response was wild - the adults all loved them!! As a boy this was real validation for a child surrounded by intimidating, book-smart people. The art carried Macky into all the art classes at Cardinal Newman high school. His love for lead figure painting continued to grow during this period. It was the MTV generation, which Macky believes also had a huge impact on him . . . Since then, there have been many great moments, including showcasing Macky's art on two episodes of MTV's “PUNK'd”, which featured Ashlee Simpson and Hugh Jackman. Mutt™ has been the label for Macky's passion since 1997. Just recently, Mutt donated a customized 3-foot skateboard to the Rush foundation, a charity created to send kids to art school. It was a huge honor for Macky to be able to be a part of such a worthy charity. Courtesy of Thomas McNamara on
Added: 6156 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 9971 | Comments: 1
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OUR FATHER (Claudia Nobre)
Tags // our  father  claudia  nobre 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6179 days ago by sunsettt
Runtime: 4m11s | Views: 5282 | Comments: 0



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