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Search // true
Results 109-120 of 295 for ' true ' (0 seconds)
Dedicated to anyone trying to get or stay lean. We feel you!So, here's a funny but true look at 'cutting carbs'...Get The Amazing Original Song on iTunes - the Original video - more Fun & Handpicked Deals & Coupons on everything bodybuilding and FitnessVISIT US - www.fitnessdealnews.comBECOME A FACEBOOK FAN -'Cutting Carbs' Starring‎‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4004 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m17s | Views: 1742 | Comments: 1



Eurazeo announces its partnership with Desigual to accompany the growth of the brand. Eurazeo will subscribe to a €285 million capital increase and receive 10% of the share capital of the group owned by its founder, Thomas Meyer. This agreement grants Eurazeo governance and investment protection rights, reflecting the true partnership forged between the parties. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4010 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 872 | Comments: 1
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Official Web Site: Buy On iTunes: The 3rd music video is now released worldwide. Sarantos now awaits his fans' reactions to this hysterical video. This video shows a glimpse into the sarcastic and playful nature of Sarantos. Of course, anyone following Sarantos on Facebook or Twitter understands by now the true nature of his demeanor. With tremendous support and positive feedback on his previous music videos 'Not Where I Wanna Be' and 'Nothing To Hide,' Sarantos is thrilled to see what his fans think of the video. This one is quite different.
Tags // sarantos  back  and  forth 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4017 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 2122 | Comments: 0



Nonfiction – This is a true account – a memoir – of a single mother losing everything, including her 2 children, Jayden and Annie, to a wretched alcohol and drug addiction; and ultimately losing herself. Yet through the storm, she finds the strength to overcome this addiction, as a result gaining more than ever before. “Freedom has never been sweeter.” Though her story starts out in despair, it ends on a positive note, providing hope to all those that read it. Learn more about this book here, Inspirational Christian memoir about overcoming personal obstacles (drugs and alcohol).
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4039 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 1995 | Comments: 0



The thrilling conclusion to Kristen Simmons’s post-apocalyptic YA trilogy (Article 5, Breaking Point), set in a future American in which the Bill-of-Rights has been replaced by the Moral Statutes, and young Ember and her boyfriend have been branded criminals. Now, joined up with the resistance movement, they are trying to find a safe place to settle—but they may be coming closer to facing the notorious organization known only as Three. The CW Atlanta has dubbed Simmons: “A true dystopian force.” YA/fantasy/romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4049 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1822 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated When we think about causes of inattention when driving we instantly think about things like mobile phones and passengers. But we wanted to know if different emotional states could be just as distracting, so we put 5 drivers to the test in the Attention Powered Car to see just how distracting our emotions can be. We're back at the RAC Driving Centre to delve into this issue of inattention on our roads and see the true impact different emotional states really has on our attention levels when driving. To see what we've learning about driver inattention, and to get involved with making WA roads safer, go to
Tags // rac  wa  attention  powered  car  inattention  road  safety 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4071 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 1106 | Comments: 0
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They were destined to find each other, to love each other. But when Dimitri is sentenced to death by silver Skyler makes a daring and dangerous trip into Lycan territory to save him. He is bound and cannot help her, for him it is a fate worse than death as his one true love, his lifemate, finds herself caught in a trap that can cost her her life. Christine Feehan’s much anticipated, epic love story Dark Wolf. Paranormal romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4114 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 1923 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated The Northwest produces clean, renewable ethanol that helps reduce pollution and combat climate change. By reducing petroleum dependence, ethanol helps bring true homeland security. This PSA was produced by Fluid Images, Cascade Sierra Solutions and Lane Regional Air Protection Agency. Major funding provided by a US Department of Energy award granted to promote retail availablity of ethanol.
Added: 4143 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 2402 | Comments: 2
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Ishk Actually an Hindi film releasing on 25 October 2013, An Aris Pioneer Enterprises Company Ltd & Blue Throat Entertainment Presentation, starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Rayo Bakhirta, Neha Ahuja, Ann Mithchai, Neha Ghelot and Siddharth Van Shipley. Directed by Anish Khanna and Produced by Sunny Sharma, Music: Chirantan Bhatt, Adam & Edie, Shahdaab Bhartiya, Lyrics: Manoj Yadav, Story , Screenplay & Dialogue Arindam Mukherjee, Concept By Rohit Raj, DOP Duleep Regmi, Music Label: T-SERIES Gia is at a crossroads in her life, with the arrows pointing towards Neil in one direction and Kabir in the opposite direction. She grapples with making a decision as she's torn between the two worlds that she's been living in. Love is the unanswered emotion that leads to a series of life altering situations . Amazed at life's sense of timing, she treads along a path that she believes will lead to her true love. For all the updates follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:
Categories // Music 
Added: 4171 days ago by wonderwebworld
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 2218 | Comments: 0
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Ishk Actually an Hindi film releasing on 25 October 2013, An Aris Pioneer Enterprises Company Ltd & Blue Throat Entertainment Presentation, starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Rayo Bakhirta, Neha Ahuja, Ann Mithchai, Neha Ghelot and Siddharth Van Shipley. Directed by Anish Khanna and Produced by Sunny Sharma, Music: Chirantan Bhatt, Adam & Edie, Shahdaab Bhartiya, Lyrics: Manoj Yadav, Story , Screenplay & Dialogue Arindam Mukherjee, Concept By Rohit Raj, DOP Duleep Regmi, Music Label: T-SERIES Gia is at a crossroads in her life, with the arrows pointing towards Neil in one direction and Kabir in the opposite direction. She grapples with making a decision as she\\\\\\\'s torn between the two worlds that she\\\\\\\'s been living in. Love is the unanswered emotion that leads to a series of life altering situations . Amazed at life\\\\\\\'s sense of timing, she treads along a path that she believes will lead to her true love. For all the updates follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:
Categories // Music 
Added: 4171 days ago by wonderwebworld
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 2254 | Comments: 0
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INTEROP Mumbai, India’s prime business technology show just got a new recognition. The show recently was described by top technology leaders in 3 words highlighted below. Dynamic | Collaborative | World-class True value | International Class | Great to network Connects | Real | Cutting-edge These leaders fairly represent the crème of the technology world and include – B Venkatakrishnan, DGM Head-IT, Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers; Sunil Mehta, Sr. VP & Area System Director, Central Asia, JWT; and Alpna Doshi, CIO, Reliance Group. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4171 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m14s | Views: 1054 | Comments: 0
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The 2013 Christmas Book was unveiled today by luxury retailer Neiman Marcus in Dallas. The 87th edition of this legendary book continues Neiman Marcus’s unmatched tradition of offering its customers a selection of spectacular and unique holiday gifts sure to make even their wildest dreams come true. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4172 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 2121 | Comments: 2
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