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Results 109-120 of 151 for ' law ' (0 seconds) - DUI AND SEARCH & SEIZURE DEFENSE BOOTCAMP. Defending DUI & (So-Called)
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Added: 4801 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7499 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Are you in need of a criminal law attorney in Phoenix? The criminal law firms of Phoenix listed at Attorney Directory of America have a successful track record of representing people throught the state of Arizona with a wide range of criminal issues. They represent people who are involved with criminal law issues, whether they've been personally involved or an associated entity. When it comes to criminal law, its important for you to find an attorney in Phoenix who knows how to deal with the prosecutors and prepare your case for trial should it progress to that point. Your should find a law office that is dedicated to using all of its legal skills and prowess, along with its many years of experience to assist you with this difficult time you are going through. If you have a criminal law issue, contact one of the firms at Attorney Directory of America.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4802 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 7064 | Comments: 0
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Carol Baldwin-Moody of Wilmington Trust describes the challenges that are present in her line of work as senior vice president and chief risk officer. There is a strong legal backing to every major issue in today’s society. Baldwin-Moody has come across several scenarios that aren’t covered by the dated constitutional law in effect today. In past years, a risk officer was thought to be a management concept that would be useful, but not worth the investment. Lately, a risk officer career has become an indispensible resource in the corporate world. The law plays an important role in every aspect of our lives. Even something that seems simple, like the ability to send a text message and donate money to a charitable organization, requires contract law to come into play. If a career as a compliance officer is of interest to you, an online legal studies degree from Kaplan University could be the first step in working toward that goal.* A legal studies degree allows students the unique opportunity to grow into a field that is constantly changing and evolving. *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “Social media, the first amendment, privacy; the law is so far behind in that trend. Blogs and all of that, that is a constant challenge for me today because everybody wants to talk the way they want to talk and in my job, I’m required to actually surveil peoples’ e-mails; I’m required by law. I look for certain words; well, that was ok when people used words. Now when they use ‘r u,’ I can’t surveil that. The privacy issue with kids and MySpace, that whole area of law, think about it; constitutional law was what we learned. There’s nothing in constitutional law that we learned 30 years ago, so if you’re into that, there’s going to be a lot of time. We need that because it’s evolutionary. Globalization—if you think about what happened in the financial markets, the meltdown, it’s because there’s so much connection and therefore there are a lot of things going on in that arena where every country’s financial rules, they’re looking at them and comparing them. That’s another area- comparative law. Comparative law when it comes to the environment and financial services; those are two big things. Health—the whole health debate; you may be thinking just about the politics but there’s a lot of law behind that. HIPA, all those rights, and think about the things they’re talking about from a political perspective—there’s a lot of law behind that. Those are just three areas that are not only specific in terms of thinking outside of the box, but they actually go back to a lot of the fundamentals that are part of the law. Those are just three; that social media one, I don’t even want to tackle that one; I’m assigning that to my kids. Just think about it—it’s out there before anything has been screened. You think about the things that go on—it’s called the social media. There used to be the 6 o’clock news; there’s the 24 hour news, there’s the instant news now. I think some of it’s great, I think some of the positive things about the technology, I just learned this, the fact that you could text five digits on your phone and the money was in Haiti instantly. But, a lot of people don’t realize how much legal work was behind the contractual agreement between the phone companies. There was a lot of legal work that was done in order for that to happen but yet young people, my daughter was one of them, it’s like, ‘ok mom,’ and then I start thinking; well I know what really happened. They had to get into a contract about that, but those are the kinds of things that at the end you see the result is phenomenal. Think about that 20 years ago—could not have happened.”
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4885 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 9185 | Comments: 1
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Tags // in  juztice  mpg  law  court  unfair  fair  concians  nation  racism  reggae  police  cops  crime  bob  security  roots  dancehall  new  si 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4957 days ago by MASSIVREX
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 11016 | Comments: 0
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The National Insurance Crime Bureau today released Hot Wheels—its list of the 10 most stolen vehicles in the United States. The report examines vehicle theft data submitted by law enforcement to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and determines the vehicle make, model, and model year most reported stolen in 2010. See the full report at To view Multimedia News Relase, go to
Added: 4961 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 6844 | Comments: 4
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The American Lung Association has released a television advertisement today in an effort to thwart Congressional attempts to weaken the Clean Air Act. This effort is part of the Lung Association’s Healthy Air Campaign to preserve the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to implement and enforce this forty-year-old, landmark public health law. The provocative new ad focuses on the devastating effects of air pollution and its impact on the health of children, while bringing a sense of urgency to the debate over cleaner air. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4967 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 6864 | Comments: 0
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As the economy regains momentum, it’s not a return to business as usual in the legal field. A just-released industry report from Robert Half Legal outlines how strategies developed during the downturn are now guiding the business and customer relationship management models for law firms and corporate legal departments. The report, Best Practices for a New Era in the Legal Profession, is part of Robert Half Legal’s eleventh annual Future Law Office project, which also includes video interviews with leaders in the legal field, and is available at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4997 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 8217 | Comments: 3
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Is your dog a hero? American Humane Association’s Hero Dog Awards™ national search kicks off today at The Film & Television Unit of American Humane Association is heading up the search for America’s Hero Dogs. Dogs may be nominated in eight categories: Law Enforcement and Arson Dogs; Service Dogs; Therapy Dogs; Military Dogs; Guide Dogs; Search and Rescue Dogs; Hearing Dogs; and Emerging Hero Dogs. Finalists in each category will be selected by the public from the pool of contestants, and the winners will be announced at the first-ever American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards™ celebrity gala, presented by CESAR® Canine Cuisine, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California on October 1, 2011. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5093 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 10102 | Comments: 0



Every year an estimated 800,000 children are reported as missing in the United States. Comcast is announcing today that it has launched Missing Kids On Demand and online at, a first-of-its-kind public service initiative that will make information about missing children available to millions of Comcast video customers and consumers across the United States. The new initiative is in partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and will enable Comcast customers and consumers to support efforts by law enforcement across the country to help bring missing children home. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5144 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m20s | Views: 5338 | Comments: 0
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Whoever coined the phrase, “Politics is just a game” must have known what he or she was talking about because it has turned out to be precisely that in the United States Virgin Islands, where Democratic senator, Wayne A.G. James, and the territory’s Democratic governor, John P. de Jongh, will face-off in a penalty kick-type override segment of the September 20, 2010 Legislative Session in the territory’s capital, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. If James succeeds in getting 10 of his 15 senatorial colleagues—11 of which are Democrats—to agree to the override, the amendment will become law. If he doesn’t, the game is over. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5278 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 7424 | Comments: 0
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In the summer of 1929, Winston Churchill recruits law professor Bourke Cockran and Hearst photojournalist Mattie McGary to foil a German-backed IRA gun running plot in the US that threatens to plunge the world into war. Learn more about this book and these authors: Historical Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5326 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 6372 | Comments: 2
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Recently, aspiring country music artists, Richard and Robert Fay, also known as R&R Double Take, came to New York to record Paul Val's latest hit, The Silent Majority Is Silent No More. This song celebrates the fact that average Americans, who are usually silent, are finally exercising their First Amendment rights to voice their concerns about Government and are getting involved in the electoral process in a big way. Their main concerns are that their elected representatives are ignoring the will of the people, government is becoming too big & powerful, and spending way too much while catering to special interest groups at the expense of the average, law-abiding, tax paying American citizen.
Tags // silent  majority  paul  val  black  rose  productions  rr  double  take  freedom  of  speech 
Categories // Music  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5374 days ago by BlackRose
Runtime: 4m29s | Views: 8127 | Comments: 0



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