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The tyre placard provides crucial information for the safety and performance of your vehicle. Look for the tyre placard on the driver’s door pillar, in the glove box or under the front bonnet. Vehicle manufacturers are required by law to provide this information. If you follow it this will prolong the life of your tyres and also prevent other related issues such as wheel alignment problems. The three key pieces of information the tyre placard provides are: tyre size for your vehicle as recommended by the manufacturer, maximum vehicle load and optimum tyre pressure. Remember that tyre pressure is best measured when tyres are cold and you need to ensure the gauge you use is accurate. If you have trouble finding the tyre placard in your car, bring it in to a Tyrepower store and one of our friendly team will assist you. You can check it here
Tags // tyre  placard 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4555 days ago by tyrepower
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 1333 | Comments: 1
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Tyre care can be incorporated into other regular activities such as cleaning your car and filling it with petrol. That way it doesn’t feel like an extra task. You’ll maintain the quality of tyres and extend their life. The two key areas to attend to regularly are cleaning and tyre pressure. Washing your tyres with soapy water and a soft brush or sponge will keep tyres looking good. It also helps prevent cracks and other damage to the sidewall rubber. Do this whenever you wash your car. It is ideal to check tyre pressure when the tyres are cold. Do this at least once a month but more often if possible. Use a trusted gauge. The recommended tyre pressure for your tyres can be found on the tyres themselves or on the tyre placard, usually located on the body of the car, inside the driver’s door. If you’re unsure about checking tyre pressure, have a professional do it for you and show you how. Driving a car with tyres deflated or over inflated can cause long term damage to wheel alignment. For more detail you can check to our website
Tags // tyre  care 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 4555 days ago by tyrepower
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 1377 | Comments: 3
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Do you know the three most important tips when it comes to caring for your tyres? For more detail you can check it to our website Learning and implementing general tyre maintenance will help extend the life of tyres. Driving style is a key component. A conservative driving style will ensure even tread wear and prolong tyre life. Tread wear is an issue that not all drivers are aware of. Follow these simple tips so you can check the tread wear on your tyres and replace them before they become dangerous to drive on. Once a tyre has less than 1.6 mm of tread wear it is no longer roadworthy and must be replaced. This video shows you how to measure tread wear and what signs to look out for. Parking is also a key element of tyre care. High impact contact with kerbs and other barriers or structures may damage your tyres. If in doubt about any aspects of tyre care, tread wear or when to replace tyres, contact your nearest Tyrepower store for expert and friendly advice.
Tags // tread  wear 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4555 days ago by tyrepower
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 1607 | Comments: 1
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Energy efficiency is at the heart of Europe’s growth and transition to a resource efficient economy. The European Union aims to save 20% of its primary energy consumption by 2020 (compared to what has been forecast). Everyone’s contribution is crucial in meeting this goal. By better insulating buildings we can reduce energy consumption by 28% by 2020. By choosing modern energy-efficient refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers etc. we can use significantly less energy than with older appliances. By buying lighter vehicles or using low fuel consumption tyres we can double the fuel efficiency of an average car. This video clip provides an overview of the European Union’s energy efficiency objectives and shows how each of us can make the difference, be it in our professional or private life. This video clip was disseminated in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria and United Kingdom. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4757 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 5328 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated From the people that brought you Loop the Loop, comes more great driving. Three stunt drivers perform extreme reverse driving manoeuvres: J-turns, jumps, slaloms - awesome demonstrations of the manoeuvrability of Dunlops Street Response tyres. Dont try this in your local car park
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5419 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 8030 | Comments: 1



Robin Rhode showcases the new BMW z4 on a giant canvas
Tags // bmw  bmw  z4  cars  tyres  canvas  paint  design  new  drive  art  robin  rhode  jake  scott  pollack  expression  joy  art  car  collection 
Added: 5844 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 13168 | Comments: 2



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