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Search // stein
Results 1-6 of 6 for ' stein ' (1 seconds)
Approximately 153,000 students across the country in grades K–12 cast their ballots in the 2016 Scholastic News® Student Vote and the results are in: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been named the winner, with 52% of the student vote while Republican candidate Donald Trump received 35%. Thirteen percent of student voters wrote in “other” choices, a larger percentage than in past presidential elections. Write-in votes were cast for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson (2%), Senator Bernie Sanders (1%), and Green Party candidate Jill Stein (1%), along with “Mom,” Kanye West, Harambe the gorilla, Spider-Man and “bacon.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3080 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 958 | Comments: 0
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The creature known as Frankenstein, created by a madman of the same name, lives on, re-imagined throughout time. Follow these four stories, each in a different time, a different place. Mary Shelley's League of Supernatural Hunters: Origins of Adam Mary Shelley learns of supernatural creatures and real meaning of the word monster as she encounters a man unlike any other. A creature not born of woman, but created from the body of a circus strongman killed while trying to save a lion tamer. She must decide who to trust, the vampire, the witch, the mad scientist or the creature. Either way, Mary's seen enough to know she will need an army to fight those things not easily killed. Frankenstein's Companion 19th century England, friendless and alone in the world, Adam Frankenstein, the creation of a mad scientist and his witch lover, becomes an assassin for hire. When a powerful mage hires him to find his kidnapped daughter and kill the man who took her, Adam strikes a bargain of his own. The mage has an immortal dog and Adam will do anything to own it. The Therapist and the Dead Brooklyn, New York in the 1980's was a place where monsters could blend in. Life has been long and cruel, so Adam keeps his appointment with Dr. Stein, the most expensive and sought after psychologist in the city, to talk of immortality and murder. Adam Frankenstein, U.S. Marshal Adam joins the 21st Century, and takes up residence in Houston, Texas. While waiting for his next mission from the League of Supernatural Hunters, he becomes Adam Frank, U.S. Marshal. His new partner is Marshal Rebecca Hughes, a by-the-book woman with a non-nonsense approach to life, with no idea who he really is, but that’s all about to change. When he wakes up dead and learns someone has stolen his dog, Texas may not be big enough to hold his wrath. Find out more at or on Twitter at @SheilaEnglish67 Thriller/Suspense/Horror/Time Travel
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3121 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1113 | Comments: 1
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Saatkrähe benutzt Steine um den Wasserspiegel zu erhöhen und ans Futter zu gelangen.
Added: 4331 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1407 | Comments: 1
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In disem Video sehen Sie wie der intelligente Fisch einen Stein als Werkzeug benutzt.
Added: 4473 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 806 | Comments: 1
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Im diesem Film werden Sie sehen wie Kanzi, ein Bonobo, sich ein Werkzeug aus Stein macht um das Strick
Added: 4497 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 2344 | Comments: 0



Official Music Video to my first single
Categories // Music 
Added: 4632 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 4373 | Comments: 0
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