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InComm, a leading provider of integrated technology solutions to retailers at point-of-sale (POS), announced the availability of its SIM card and no-contract wireless plan bundled into one Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Starter Kit package. The InComm BYOD program was recently named a winner in the Best Choice Retail Card category in the 2015 Paybefore Awards. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3674 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 796 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Interview with Impulse Fitness Marketing Executive whom was a personal trainer/bodybuilder himself as he speaks of:- 1) How bodybuilders can establish his/her own gym through Impulse Fitness via business loan by PUNB? 2) Why is it important for a starter to hire professional BodyBuilder/Personal trainer to achieve your goal? Q: What is your name? A: My name is Zul Helmi. People often call me Angah, or Helmi. Q: What do you do here to today at Impulse Fitness? A: We are running a booth to introduce our company and also to introduce our package of promotion for complete gynamsium. Q: Who are your customers? A: Commonly are bodybuilders and gym owners. We also provide home use equipments to home-user. Q: DO you train yourself, An\'gah? A: Yes of course, I train myself also. Q: Do you engage a bodybuilder or personal trainer? A: Before this, I was also a personal trainer, and I am doing my Bachelor is Sport Science and Recreation at UiTM. Q: Do you encourage starter to seek professsional advice from personal trainer instead of doing it ownself at home, and why? A: From my opinion, we have to take advantage of training in gynasium as there are many personal trainers (and also other members with experience). In bodybuilding, there are theory and experience. We need to make use of their experience to make up our own set of experience. We will not get very efficient result if we train at home. There is no one to monitor you, whether you are cheating or doing the wrong technique (which leads to wrong habit). Hire a Bodybuilder/Personal trainer at Q: Do you encourage to have an equipment? A: Yes of course, with an equipment, there\'s a commitment. Without one, we cannot see how it can help and how much our body can develop. Q: Lastly, do you have a tip to newbie who wants to build a fit body, a simple one, and how to choose a personal trainer? A: Number 1, you have to know the principle of training. It has to be at the back of the mind. It will be used everyday. To hire a personal trainer, you have to search for one who is reliable, with proof of own body result and knowledge. ****************************************************************************************************** Check out Mr Kuala Lumpur 2013 organised by KLBBF. It was contested by over 100 bodybuilders.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4288 days ago by Wishine
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 1809 | Comments: 2
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Get the Viper Smart Start Remote Car Starter with optional Security System and remotely start your vehicle with your smart phone. This system will add on to almost any DEI remote car starter Avital, Viper, Python and Clifford models with D2D communication or can be installed on its own.
Tags // viper  smart  start  car  starter 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4300 days ago by atmrestyle
Runtime: 5m26s | Views: 959 | Comments: 1
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For one Grand Prize winner, the chance to discover a Decade of Kissimmee Memories with ten vacations to Central Florida’s premier vacation destination now awaits at To enter the contest, eligible entrants are invited to write a story about how he or she would spend a decade of vacations in Kissimmee. Experience Kissimmee, the tourism marketing arm of Osceola County, Florida, will then select 25 semi-finalist entrants to bring their story to life with the destination’s Memory Maker Starter Kit containing a video camera and props from area attractions. Five finalist videos will be posted on Experience Kissimmee’s Facebook Page where the public will vote for their favorite entrant to win the Grand Prize – ten Kissimmee vacations with airfare, vacation villa accommodations at Westgate Resorts, and a rental car for the winner and up to five guests. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4415 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 1681 | Comments: 0



Categories // Music 
Added: 4676 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 8199 | Comments: 0
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Right now, more than 136,000 Americans are sporting and supporting moustaches for Movember, the global men’s health charity that raises awareness and funds to change the face of men’s health (moustache is the preferred spelling by Movember and its partners). While the moustache is a powerful conversation starter that Movember participants are proud to wear, grooming and styling the Mo (moustache) is often a new-found challenge. According to Wahl, a leading manufacturer of men’s facial hair trimmers and shavers, many men don’t have experience growing or grooming a moustache. For insight, Wahl and Movember turned to Milwaukee Brewers ace closer, John Axford, known for his ninth inning magic as much as his signature Fu Manchu. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4851 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 4554 | Comments: 0
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By the close of the 1942 season, Ted Williams became a fighter pilot and flight instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps, all through World War II. He served through 1945 and making his return to the Red Sox in the Spring of 1946, Pushing the team to win the American League pennant and taking home the MVP award. Despite the fact the Red Sox lost the World Series (the only one Williams played in) to the St. Louis Cardinals that year, Williams'spreeminenceas an outstanding hitter grewby leaps and bounds. He became known as the Splendid Splinter and the Thumper, for his 6'3" rail-thin frame and his power behind the bat was also ca;lled the kid. In 1947, Williams won his second Triple Crown but lost the MVP title to DiMaggio by only one vote, a slight by the sportswriters that Williams in no way forgot. In 1949, he was voted American League MVP for the second time. In 1950, while having a momentous season, Williams fractured his elbow during the All-Star Game at Comiskey Park in Chicago; he smashed into the wall while catching a fly ball. He finished that game, but the damage cost him more than sixty games, despite the fact he played well during the games he did play. He hit .318 in 1951 but then went back into the military service in 1952 and 1953, for the duration of the Korean War. After a crash landing of his fighter plane and a bout with pneumonia, he was sent back to the states. He announced his retirement from baseball in 1954 but then changed his mind and stayed on with the Red Sox, because he would have been ineligible for Hall of Fame election on the first ballot if he quit too soon. He suffered a series of injuries in the mid-1950s, but in 1957, at almost forty years old, he hit .388 and became the oldest player to ever win a batting championship. He hit .453 during the second half of the season. Williams was more popular than ever before and finished second only to Mickey Mantle in MVP balloting. The following year, Williams batted .328, still high enough to lead the league in batting. During this part of his career he won the nickname Teddy Ballgame, although his favorite nickname for himself was always "The Kid."
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5463 days ago by gdodrell
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 7692 | Comments: 1
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How to brew excellant tea with the supreme tea starter set
Tags // brew  teateasupreme  tea  starter  set 
Categories // Family 
Added: 5934 days ago by TeasAmore
Runtime: 5m49s | Views: 6849 | Comments: 0
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