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#2 This book’s name is ‘al-Asma’ was-Sifat’ authored by Imam al-Hafidh, Abu Bakr Ahmad al-Bayhaqiyy who died in the hijri year 458 which means 971 years ago. This book is the Second Edition published by Dar al-Kitab al-^arabi. In the second volume on page 144, Imam al-Bayhaqiyy said: "Some of our companions used as a proof to refute the place to Allah the saying of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam: 'O Allah You are adh-Dhahir and there is nothing above You, and You are al-Batin and there is nothing underneath You.' Therefore, if there is nothing above Him and nothing underneath Him, He is not in a place." This is the belief of the fine Muslim scholars, the Salaf and the Khalaf. This is the creed of the Prophets, and that’s what we follow wal 7amdulillah rabbil 3aalameen. *The Salaf were the scholars who lived during the first three centuries after the Hijrah (Immigration) of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. The Khalaf are the scholars who lived after those three centuries.
Tags // aicp  gilles  sadek  al  ahbach  habashi  habachi  tawassul  bidaa 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6095 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 6884 | Comments: 0
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#1 Among those who documented the scholarly consensus that Allah is not confined in a place was the noble Imam ^Abdul-Qahir ibn Tahir al-Baghdadiyy – known as Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy who died in the hijri year 429 which means one thousand years ago. In his book ‘alFarqu bayna lFiraq’ –published by Darul-Ma^rifah, the Third Edition- on page 292 Imam Abu Mansur said what means: “..and the noble Islamic scholars unanimously agreed that no place confines Allah, nor is He subjected to time; Imam ^Aliyy (radiya-llâhu ^anhu) said: “Allah created the Throne as an indication of His power and not as a place for Himself”. Imam ^Aliyy also said: \\\"Allah existed eternally and there was no place, and He is now as He was, i.e., without a place.\\\" This is –the belief- that the Islamic scholars unanimously follow!! ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE
Tags // aicp  gilles  sadek  al  ahbach  habashi  habachi  tawassul  bidaa 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6095 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 6974 | Comments: 0



Shaykh Gilles Sadek speaking about some of the attributes of Allah
Tags // allah  god  religion  islam  aicp  perfect 
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 6397 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 3m57s | Views: 8298 | Comments: 1
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Shaykh Gilles Sadek speaking about harming the parents.
Tags // islam  god  allah  family  parents  religion  manners  good  love  hate 
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 6397 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 10805 | Comments: 3
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Shaykh Gilles Sadek speaking about Islam.
Tags // islam  god  aicp  truth  best 
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 6397 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 8368 | Comments: 1
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Shaykh Gilles Sadek speaking about the evil of Gossip and Talebearing
Tags // islam 
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 6397 days ago by dailypick
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 11188 | Comments: 1
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