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In the 2011/2012 vacation season, Riu Hotels & Resorts will open four new hotels in Mexico, Caribbean and Costa Rica and overhaul four more. Riu Hotels & Resorts is one of Apple Vacations’ most popular hotel chains. In 2011, 10 Riu Hotels in Mexico, the Caribbean and Costa Rica were awarded the Golden Apple Award for exceptional service, quality and value, as rated by Apple Vacations’ customers. “Apple Vacations has had a long and successful partnership with Riu Hotels,” said Sandy Babin, Apple Vacations’ Vice President of Marketing. “Since 1998, Apple Vacationers have enjoyed Riu Resorts, referred their friends and returned time and again to experience Riu’s exceptional service and consistency.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4708 days ago by MultiVuVideo
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