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Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc. continues to innovate and redefine the barbecue experience with the opening of a completely redesigned concept store in Dallas, and plans to roll out nationwide with all future locations. The model features a modern, rustic technology-driven experience while offering the same authentic, slow-smoked barbecue that Dickey’s Barbecue Pit has been known for over the last 74 years. From the design and décor to square footage and improved efficiencies, the location based in Dallas at 2525 Wycliff Ave. Ste. 130 is now open. Many existing Dickey’s Barbecue Pit locations will also be retrofitted with aspects of the new model. The redesign features a holistic sensory experience, from décor made largely of sustainably-sourced, reclaimed wood to the hand-crafted design elements highlighting Dickey’s history on the walls paired with a specially curated Texas singer/songwriter playlist heard from a Bose surround sound speaker system. The new design showcases an open kitchen floor plan so that guests have full visibility into where and how their high quality meals are smoked on-site. A custom glass butcher case displays fresh meats behind the cashier while the pit sits directly behind the block, where Dickey’s seven featured meats are pit-smoked low and slow daily on-site, in a real hickory wood pit, unlike much of the competition. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3426 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 1058 | Comments: 0
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The Emmy® Award-winning PBS home improvement series This Old House® will feature a 19th-century Victorian-era home in the city of Cambridge, Mass., and a woodland cottage circa 1935 in rural Essex, Mass., as its latest renovation projects for the upcoming 33rd national season premiering this October 4. The locations represent a city-and -country theme and provide fresh angles that are remarkably different and even contrasting. The Cambridge Project will showcase a renovation for a young family in a bustling urban setting, while the Essex Project is a quiet country cottage that will be transformed into a universally accessible living space for aging parents. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4553 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m5s | Views: 2749 | Comments: 1
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Philadelphia remodeling is a fully licensed and insured construction services company providing management and general contracting services for all residential and commercial buildings.
Categories // Business 
Added: 5765 days ago by JasonTete
Runtime: 0m6s | Views: 6037 | Comments: 3
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