As soon as I started to form lyrics for this song, my first thought was "I bet that Reekashade will love this .... therefore I'll dedicate this song to him" ... Reeka is an outstanding singer and exquisite gentleman who has supported me as I have supported him far before the Google era of Youtube which makes him a valuable commodity to me here as most who I've known since that time have either jumped ship or have become too big here to even acknowledge me further ..... "even though I'm still better than they could ever be in their wildest dreams" ...... Did I just say that? ...... Oh no .... That was my goldfish, Sid .... He always feed's my ego when he want's me to feed him back .... Here is Reeka's channel Thanks so much bro for being who you are.
When I look out my window yeah, I can clearly see
peace and love as the wind blow's love across the sea.
And as I step out my doorway I can take this love in my hand.
Hold it close to my heart and soul and share the love across this land.
2868 days ago by
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 866 |
Comments: 4