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Search // pie
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Holland America Line turns its culinary programming up a notch with the introduction of dynamic shipboard cooking shows produced in partnership with the long-running public television show America’s Test Kitchen, the most popular how-to-cook show on TV. Holland America Line is a sponsor of America’s Test Kitchen on public television, and is proud to make this experience possible at sea. The initiative was announced today in New York City at a press conference at the prestigious Institute of Culinary Education. Holland America Line’s shipboard Culinary Arts Center will be transformed to replicate the television set where the prominent America’s Test Kitchen TV shows are recorded for broadcast by more than 350 public television stations nationwide. Designed specifically for Holland America Line, the shipboard shows will be hosted by Holland America Line chefs trained by America’s Test Kitchen culinary experts. Shipboard cooking demonstrations and hands-on workshops — with topics ranging from shaping Asian dumplings to making the perfect pie crust — will combine foolproof, accessible recipes and cooking techniques that are rooted in the rigorous testing and science-based approach of America’s Test Kitchen. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3110 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 873 | Comments: 1
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Cereal has been a breakfast staple for more than a century, and today, parents and kids are pouring a bowl at all hours of the day. Now, thanks to General Mills, there are more reasons than ever to love cereal and celebrate this year’s National Cereal Day on Monday, March 7. To inspire coast-to-coast celebrations on the unofficial holiday, General Mills partnered with Food Network’s Chef Justin Warner who developed customized spoon-worthy, cereal-infused recipes. For details on how to plan a family-friendly #NationalCerealDay party complete with Chef Warner’s recipes for Trix Sunrise Chill Pie, Fruity Cheerios Coladas and Cocoa Puffs Beets, visit: A Taste of General Mills. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3314 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m30s | Views: 801 | Comments: 0
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According to recent findings from Campos Inc., food customization is one of this year’s top consumer trends. Now, more than ever, consumers find endless options when it comes to customizing food – whether they are eating in or dining out. Along with exploring different flavors and food pairings, the baking industry is rethinking how they package recipes to consumers. In fact, according to Mintel, 45% of consumers surveyed want multiple preparation options and recipes listed on the packaging to allow them to express their personality. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3578 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 791 | Comments: 2
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Turkey - mashed potatoes – dressing - pumpkin pie. These and countless other tasty dishes make frequent appearances at Thanksgiving celebrations across the country. One of the best parts of Thanksgiving is being surrounded by loved ones while enjoying comfort foods that have withheld the test of time. With all of that tradition backing the day, making sure your feast is up to par might seem like a challenge.
Added: 3782 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 939 | Comments: 2
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This year, the Crisco® Pie & Baking Hotline (1-877-367-7438) is back to help home bakers master their desserts and restore baking confidence everywhere. Now in its ninth year, the Crisco Pie & Baking Hotline is expanding its repertoire to include all baking categories and ensure no cake, cookie or pie gets left behind. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3816 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 1085 | Comments: 0
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Turkey - mashed potatoes - pumpkin pie. These and countless other tasty dishes make frequent appearances at holiday celebrations across the country. With friends and family expecting standard fare, stepping outside of the normal traditions might seem like it’s not an option. Entertaining/lifestyle expert and professional chef Maureen Petrosky shares tips for your holiday celebration.
Added: 4124 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 953 | Comments: 2
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The Yankee Candle Company, Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer of premium scented candles, today announced the launch of Thanksgiving Dinner Collection, a new limited edition collection featuring three true to life Thanksgiving fragrances: Turkey with Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce and Sweet Potato Pie. As only Yankee Candle can, the company has brought delicious traditions to life to commemorate the most celebrated meal of the year and give back to the military through a partnership with the USO. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4196 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 2212 | Comments: 1
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A video by Vreny on how to play Led Zeppelin's custard pie song from Physical Grafftin album.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4399 days ago by zotzinguitarlessons
Runtime: 6m12s | Views: 2441 | Comments: 0



Wedding Photographer from Riga. Piesakies bezmaksas pirmskazu fotosesijai Love Story vai peckazu fotosesija studija vai pie Juras!
Tags // kazu  fotografs 
Added: 4475 days ago by WalterToler
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 729 | Comments: 1
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This summer, let refreshing desserts take center stage at backyard picnics, barbecues and Fourth of July festivities. If you like to save room for dessert, this delicious Caramel Macchiato Ice Cream Pie is a crowd pleaser. A combination of smooth coffee ice cream, Dulce de Leche, Nestlé Toll House chocolate morsels and an almond graham cracker crust creates a delightfully grown-up taste. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4677 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 4812 | Comments: 2
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Ahh, the holidays… A time to celebrate with good food, friends and family. But what many forget to factor in is the actual trip itself. Every year 13 thousand people are injured by everyday objects that turn destructive in even a minor car accident. But Kristen Varela from has some easy tips to safely secure that pumpkin pie while heading over to grandma’s house.
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4853 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 7952 | Comments: 2
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With multiple meals to plan and guests coming in from out of town, the holidays can become hectic for most hosts. But thankfully, there are products out there that offer stress-free meal preparation – like Simply Potatoes. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4886 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 4969 | Comments: 0
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