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Orbis, the international nonprofit that unites the world in the fight against blindness, is proud to land its new, state-of-the-art Flying Eye Hospital in Shenyang, China this week to commence its first training program, running from September 5 - 23. Six years in the making, the third-generation Flying Eye Hospital is the world’s only mobile ophthalmic teaching hospital on board an MD-10 aircraft, donated by FedEx. Hundreds of experts have come together to combine the latest in avionics, hospital engineering, technology and clinical expertise to make the new Flying Eye Hospital a reality. It features modular design, 3D technology and live broadcast capabilities, which enables Orbis and their expert Volunteer Faculty to train more doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals—ultimately treating more people and restoring their sight. “Today, I am incredibly proud that our Flying Eye Hospital can get to work on its first program,” Bob Ranck, Orbis CEO and President, said. “It is a testament to the hundreds of volunteers, global corporate partners, governments and other individuals who have worked tirelessly to make this unique aircraft a reality, and we thank them one and all. Our mission at Orbis is to bring the world together to fight blindness, and the Flying Eye Hospital is an important tool for achieving this. It is an equal-parts teacher, envoy and advocate for the right to sight. We are excited to start this new chapter in Orbis history here in Shenyang, China.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3119 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 1058 | Comments: 0



ORBIS is excited to announce the return of its Flying Eye Hospital (FEH) to EAA AirVenture at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This is the first time since 2003 that the aircraft has been featured at the airshow – the largest gathering of aviation enthusiasts in the United States. ORBIS will be opening the aircraft’s doors at this year’s airshow, giving visitors the opportunity to tour the world’s only airborne ophthalmic training facility in the world. Today, ORBIS will announce details of its new FEH – a MD-10 aircraft that is currently undergoing transformation from a cargo plane into the next generation Flying Eye Hospital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4624 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m24s | Views: 4586 | Comments: 0
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FedEx and ORBIS International, a leading global organization dedicated to saving sight worldwide, today kicked off a North American Goodwill Tour in Los Angeles, California with the announcement of a new $5.375 million commitment in the form of cash and in-kind gifts from FedEx. In addition, FedEx will donate an MD-10-30 cargo aircraft to ORBIS to be the third-generation Flying Eye Hospital. The Flying Eye Hospital will also visit Burlington, VT, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, Memphis, TN, and Toronto and Ottawa, Canada between August and November to raise public awareness of the need to eliminate avoidable blindness. To view Multimedia News Relwase, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4981 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 8053 | Comments: 0
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