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Millions of families will head to the beach this Memorial Day weekend, many without adequate sun protection. As part of a national effort to reduce the incidence of skin cancer, Neutrogena® is kicking off the 2016 Choose Skin Health® Campaign with a video featuring Brand Ambassador Kristen Bell asking moms everywhere to get real with their kids about the importance of sunscreen—and a pledge to donate $1 for every video share to the non-profit Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation.* Bell’s video acknowledging the challenges moms face tackling serious topics with their children is frank and funny—but skin health is no laughing matter. The fact that only 39% of women and 14% of men use sunscreen regularly is a health issue of national importance when you consider that just one to two severe sunburns can increase lifetime risk of developing melanoma by 40 percent. The Neutrogena® Choose Skin Health® Campaign was created to change the future of skin health and reduce the risk of skin cancer through education, empowerment, and early detection. This year the brand is developing in-school sun safety programs with the potential to reach 1.6 million students annually with a sun safe behavior curriculum, sponsoring 13,000 free skin cancer screenings annually with charitable partners, and working toward a goal of donating $35 million worth of sunscreen to families in need by the end of 2016. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3220 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 1697 | Comments: 1
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The Verizon Innovative App Challenge - the no-coding-skills-needed contest that gives middle and high school students a chance to bring their problem-solving app ideas to life - is back! In its fourth year, the App Challenge calls students to gather teams, dream up ideas, and create concepts for mobile apps that could solve problems in their schools and communities. For the first time, the App Challenge will be open to teams representing non-profit organizations in addition to schools, and even more students will earn free tablets and cash awards for the groups they represent. The deadline for submission is Nov. 24, and the winners will be named in January 2016. Bill Nye, the Science Guy, is helping Verizon to encourage students nationwide to submit their ideas and to organize their teams now. Created by the Verizon Foundation in partnership with the Technology Student Association, the App Challenge offers hands-on, experiential learning to ultimately help students envision brighter futures for themselves that they may never have imagined, as business owners, app inventors and professional coders. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3512 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 967 | Comments: 0
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Click: “This music video is about immigrants and the challenges they encounter every day," says Sarantos. “Can you imagine leaving the comforts of your homeland and moving by yourself or with a spouse or child to go to a foreign land, not knowing the language and not having any money in your pockets? I can't even imagine something that drastic! My parents were both immigrants and I recall the bias against them. They worked hard, bothered no one and only cared about helping me live a better life. Is there a cause more just or noble? America is still the land of opportunity. I have such a profound level of respect and admiration for any and all immigrants who legally try to make America their adopted home!” 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to Feed My Starving Children. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and they ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Sarantos even participated in one of these packing sessions on a cold Chicago night last month!
Tags // sarantos  childs  mind 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3658 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m45s | Views: 1134 | Comments: 0
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Responding to the challenge of global hunger, DuPont today announced goals for its contribution to help improve food security around the world. “No one company, country or non-profit organization can meet the challenge of feeding the world alone. But each of us can commit to doing our part and hold ourselves accountable to make a meaningful contribution to this global challenge,” said Ellen Kullman, DuPont Chair and CEO. “Establishing specific, measurable goals for what we can do to address that challenge is key to turning talk into results.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4795 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 8490 | Comments: 1
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(TodayNews) :: On X Web Tv News :: God is Back!
Tags // breaking  news  x  web  tv  god  is  back  the  trinity  love  courage  freedom  amore  life  dios  dio  live  for  the  world  no  profit 
Added: 5462 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 7931 | Comments: 2
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Me in video (in 24.3.10)
Tags // god  is  back  breaking  news  for  the  world  tvb  web  peace  love  amor  heart  videos  video  music  no  profit  hulkenetworks  passion 
Added: 5480 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 0m12s | Views: 9596 | Comments: 1



Here me before of a Tvb Show! in a few of days news on tv web tv: enjoy the new videos for now!
Added: 5798 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 9560 | Comments: 1
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Pour Noël, découvrez l'intégralité du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 dans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit de l'association humanitaire : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN - Fabienne THIBEAULT - STONE - Mario D'ALBA - FRAMBOISE - Alain CHANONE - Morgan ROYER - René JOLY - Tenzin GÖNPO La Star Academy 7 La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Added: 5938 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 17901 | Comments: 2
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``F-Save`` Boni as H. in: Light for the World - Luce per il Mondo
Categories // Music  Family  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 6001 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 2m42s | Views: 10081 | Comments: 2



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