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Search // loi
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Il est absolument indispensable de faciliter la croissance de nos PME en attirant les capitaux des grands groupes, mais sans freiner les dynamiques locales au profit des stratégies internationales, notamment de délocalisation. Il ne s’agit pas d’opposer les acteurs de l’économie mais bien de veiller à des alliances vertueuses sur le modèle de ce qui fait le succès de l’Allemagne afin de créer les conditions favorables à un dynamisme entrepreneurial dans notre pays » déclare Jean-Michel Germa
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4069 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m52s | Views: 927 | Comments: 0
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Bangkok’s Chao Praya river is seeing thousands of local and foreign visitors gathering along it again, all enjoying the usual Loy Krathong’s festive atmosphere which was absent last year due to the severe flood. And among the highlighted spots on the river, Asiatique the Riverfront Entertainment Complex seems to be hosting the grandest happenings with several shows and firework, making the area the most crowded place in the city.
Added: 4493 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 3140 | Comments: 1
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Ngoc oi...em thh thu cho Anh di...anh biet loi thiet roi...Anh khong the khong co em...Anh hi vong minh se o chung voi nhau lai duoc...Anh muon em lam ban gai cua anh lai...hoi xua anh khong biet quy em con bay gio Anh hoi loi em...nhung Anh yeu em that long...em cho minh bat dau lai duoc khong?
Tags // ngoc  vung  tau  vietnam  love  tinh  yeu 
Categories // Family 
Added: 6357 days ago by dinho2701
Runtime: 11m52s | Views: 16859 | Comments: 1
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Ngoc oi...Anh da biet loi roi...em hay tha thu cho Anh di...Anh biet anh da lam sai...anh khong the quay thoi gian tra ve lai nhung anh co the quy em voi yeu em hon luc truoc...em cho minh bat dau lai di....
Tags // ngoc  vung  tau  vietnam  love  tinh  yeu 
Categories // Family 
Added: 6357 days ago by dinho2701
Runtime: 11m51s | Views: 13166 | Comments: 2
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