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Search // keys
Results 1-12 of 42 for ' keys ' (1 seconds)
Sometimes, a reliable set of wheels is all that stands between a veteran and their dreams. This month, more than 100 veterans and their families will be getting keys to newly-refurbished vehicles as part of Progressive’s fifth annual Keys to Progress® event. This year, Progressive will donate its 500th vehicle. The vehicle giveaways will occur on November 9 at 68 locations across the country, including Progressive Service Centers, one-stop facilities where Progressive handles claims and coordinates repairs for customers. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2700 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 731 | Comments: 2
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Islamic lecture by Ahmed Moait
Tags // islamic  lecture  islam  by  shaikh  ahmed  moait  trust  keys  happiness 
Added: 3113 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 57m36s | Views: 679 | Comments: 3
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For decades, drivers have been accustomed to accessing and driving cars with physical keys. But no longer. In a ground-breaking move for the automotive industry, Volvo Cars plans to become the world’s first car manufacturer to offer cars without keys from 2017. Volvo customers will be offered an application for their mobile phones to replace the physical key with a digital key. The innovative Bluetooth-enabled digital key technology, will offer Volvo customers far more flexibility, enabling them to benefit from entirely new ways to use and share cars. The new Volvo app enables the digital key on the customer’s mobile phone to do everything a physical key currently does, such as locking or unlocking the doors or the boot and allowing the engine to be started. This new technology will also offer customers the possibility to receive more than one digital key on their app allowing them to access different Volvo cars in different locations – according to their changing mobility needs. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3322 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 693 | Comments: 1
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Interactive online experiences are the basis for successful ecommerce. Not only are people shopping from their desktops and laptops, but they are shopping from their phones and tablets as well. It’s become a competitive environment. Businesses must make savvy choices to create online shopping experiences that maintain their customers’ interest while meeting their own company goals. Here are some key ways you can create an epic eCommerce experience for your customers.
Added: 3349 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 794 | Comments: 2
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Do you want to live a kingdom driven life? Do you want to discover your divine purpose? Do you want to discover the life you were born to live and ignite it with passion? The kingdom driven life by Pastor Sunday Adelaja is a book that will help you to do just that. You may have been battling with questions like, what on earth am I here for? What is the purpose of life? Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs us to seek first the Kingdom. Seeking the kingdom of God should be our priority. If we are going to make a significant impact on the earth, possess and disciple nations; we need to understand the precepts and principles of the kingdom. Pastor Sunday Adelaja’s book will help you discover God’s priority for mankind, your original purpose for existence, and the source of meaning behind life. You will be equipped with the tools, and strategies for promoting and expanding the Kingdom. Many admit that this book is one of the top 3 books written in the last 1000 years. To get your own copy, click here: Tags: the kingdom driven life, kingdom driven life, purpose driven life, purpose of life, the purpose driven life, the purpose of life, purpose in life, what is the purpose of life, keys to the kingdom, seek first the kingdom of god, kingdom of god, evangelism, spiritual awakening, spiritual disciplines, personal growth, holy spirit, the holy spirit, spiritual gifts, word of faith, word of god, christian, christian books, spirituality, gospel, jesus, church, christianity, bible study, god, bible verses, prayer, prayers, daily devotions, discipleship, what is the kingdom of god, church leaders, spiritual leadership, church growth, kindle, kindle books, kindle book
Tags // kingdom  driven  life  purpose  driven  life  purpose  of  life  the  purpose  driven  life  the  purpose  of  life  purpose  in  life 
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 3458 days ago by SundayAdelajaa
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 884 | Comments: 2
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The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is warning drivers to take their keys and lock their vehicles, or risk becoming a statistic. Some 45,000 drivers last year admitted that they had left their keys in the car when it was stolen. “This may sound like a broken record,” said NICB President and CEO Joe Wehrle. “But the simple fact is, too many people make it easy for car thieves. We repeatedly warn motorists to lock it up and take the keys, but our research shows that in too many cases, that’s not happening. Today’s vehicles have excellent anti-theft systems, but they don’t work if you don’t use them.” The new PSA, “If Only Cars Could Talk,” uses animated cars to drive home the point that a thoughtless driver may regret the decision to leave the car unlocked with the keys inside because they are only making a quick stop. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3491 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 802 | Comments: 1
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original jazz on keys and trumpet
Tags // alternative  new  agejazz 
Categories // Music  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3679 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 703 | Comments: 1
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In a ground-breaking technology move for the automotive industry, Volvo Cars demonstrates the world’s first delivery of food to the car – a new form of ‘roam delivery’ services. The service, which will be showcased at the Mobile World Congress, will allow consumers to have their shopping delivered straight to their car, no matter where they are. Volvo’s new digital keys technology will allow consumers to choose their car as a delivery option when ordering goods online. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4050 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 1713 | Comments: 2
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„Die Aufgabenstellung war nicht Sicherheit oder Ästhetik, Leistung oder Effizienz, Komfort oder Dynamik. Sondern in jeder Dimension war unser Anspruch: Das Beste oder nichts. Kein anderes Auto steht so für das Markenversprechen von Mercedes-Benz wie die S-Klasse“ gab sich Mercedes-Chef Dr. Dieter Zetsche bei der Vorstellung der neuen Luxuslimousine in Hamburg selbstbewusst. Vor rund 750 internationalen Gästen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien und musikalisch begleitet von den Hamburger Symphonikern und dem Weltstar Alicia Keys präsentierte Zetsche das Stuttgarter Flaggschiff im Airbus-Werk in Finkenwerder in einer Hollywood alle Ehre machenden Show und hofft, dass man mit einem Verkaufserfolg der S-Klasse die zahlreichen Negativ-Schlagzeilen der letzten Monate vergessen machen kann.
Tags // zetsche  mercedes  s-klasse  prmiere 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4318 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 1416 | Comments: 1



Any chef will tell you the choices you make in the grocery store can impact the quality of your output in the kitchen. According to TV chef personality and cookbook author Aida Mollenkamp, the first step to becoming a great home chef is to first be a responsible one – and that means knowing where your food comes from. “You wouldn’t drive a car without the keys, so you shouldn’t cook without first having keys to the kitchen,” says Mollenkamp, author of the acclaimed cookbook Keys To The Kitchen (Chronicle Books, 2012). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4353 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 3102 | Comments: 1
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From the album
Tags // burning  of  rome  little  piranhas  rock  edward  sharpe  black  keys 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4413 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 5m0s | Views: 2252 | Comments: 0



good old friends fight over a dumb problem when the keys dont work
Tags // grand  theft  auto  4  playstation  3  rockstar  games  gta  4  shooting  driving  laughing  lol  funny  videos  games  ps3  ps4  xbox 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Games 
Added: 4442 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 3881 | Comments: 2
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