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Inspired by kids and their unfiltered honesty, the iconic Jell-O brand is introducing a new product line to the family: Jell-O Simply Good. Jell-O Simply Good pudding mixes are made with real ingredients like banana, cocoa and vanilla bean and the gelatin mixes are flavored with real fruit juices. Jell-O Simply Good contains no artificial flavors, dyes or preservatives. “Jell-O Simply Good was inspired by real kids who surprised us with their honest, unprompted feedback about artificial ingredients,” said Nicole Kulwicki, Head of Marketing for Jell-O. “Our goal with the new line is to provide a choice for parents and kids who are looking for products with simpler ingredients. What we’re most excited about is that we’re still delivering the delicious and fun, colorful flavors that have made Jell-O a part of families’ memories for generations.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3093 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m52s | Views: 851 | Comments: 2
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