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GSK Consumer Healthcare and FLONASE® Sensimist™ Allergy Relief, along with Emmy® Award-winning choreographer and entertainer Derek Hough, today announced the launch of the 2017 Greater American Road Trip featuring social media’s favorite family, the Eh Bees. On Thursday, March 16, the Eh Bee family will begin their coast-to-coast journey to rethink allergy treatment and leave each city a little bit greater than they found it. Derek, along with Eh Bee family members Mama Bee and her son Mr. Monkey, all suffer from allergies, but are determined to be greater than their itchy, watery eyesi and congested noses with the help of new FLONASE Sensimist. After kicking off the journey together in Los Angeles, Derek will challenge the Eh Bees and their allergies as they partner with local organizations throughout some of the worst allergy cities in the country. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2916 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 797 | Comments: 0
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An international survey conducted by GSK and released for World Meningitis Day shows gaps in the knowledge parents feel they have about meningococcal disease and its potential consequences. Almost 7 in 10 parents said they don’t know enough about the different strains of meningococcal disease and the potential damage they can cause. On average, more than half of parents were either unsure or unaware that there are different types of bacteria that cause the disease. The survey of 5,000 parents in Brazil, Canada, Germany, Italy and Portugal also shows that out of a list of 14 vaccine-preventable diseases, meningococcal disease is considered by many parents to pose a top three health risk to their children. Fifty-seven percent listed meningococcal disease among the top three health conditions they considered of greatest risk to children followed by Hepatitis B at 34 percent, pneumococcal disease at 27 percent, polio at 25 percent, tetanus at 20 percent and pertussis at 17 percent. A sudden, potentially life-threatening illness, meningococcal disease kills on average one person every eight minutes worldwide. It typically manifests as bacterial meningitis – an infection of the membrane around the brain and spine; or bacteraemia – a bloodstream infection. The disease progresses rapidly and it can lead to death within 24-48 hours of the first symptoms; globally up to 1 in 10 of those infected may die and in the US about 10-15 percent of people will die. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3241 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m21s | Views: 788 | Comments: 0
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New data from a school asthma management program, “Building Bridges for Asthma Care,” presented today at the American Thoracic Society 2015 International Conference, show a significant decrease in school absenteeism among children with asthma from inner-city schools who were enrolled in the program. Absences dropped 11.75 percent among children enrolled in Building Bridges, compared to an increase of 8.48 percent in children with asthma not in the program. “Building Bridges for Asthma Care” is a school-based program designed to empower nurses in participating elementary schools to ensure that asthmatic children are identified and provided care according to the National Institute of Health’s clinical treatment guidelines. The objectives of the program are addressing the risk of health disparities and asthma-related absenteeism, as well as its related impact on academic achievement for inner city students. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3583 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 903 | Comments: 1
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GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare today announced the launch of, a total quit-smoking online resource to help smokers quit their cigarette addictions and stay smoke-free. Every smoker is different; therefore every smoker’s approach to quitting may need to be different. houses personalized tools in a central, online location to help smokers navigate quitting smoking, no matter where they may be in their quit journey. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4472 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 3655 | Comments: 0
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Stiefel, a GSK company, announced today that Hats On For Skin Health, its global campaign with the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), has raised enough funds to produce 15,000 sun-protective hats for albinos living in East Africa and has already distributed more than 2,000 hats. The hats are being distributed from Tanzania, where estimates are that 98 percent of albino children will die before the age of 40 from cancers of the skin – a direct result of the sun’s damaging rays. Worldwide, albinism affects about one in 20,000 people. However the incidence of albinism in Sub-Saharan Africa is significantly higher than in the rest of the world, specifically in Tanzania where the incidence is one in 1,429. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4742 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 4180 | Comments: 0
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