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Graham Bell telefonu icat etti, Lidya' lılar para diye bir nesne soktular hayatımıza, Kabil ise kardeşi Habil' i öldürerek ilk cinayeti işlemiş oldu. Şu zamana kadar bir çok yer keşfedildi, bir çok icat ve buluş hayatımıza girdi ve bir çok olgu tarih boyunca bilincimize yerleştirildi. Peki hiç düşündünüz mü ? Yalan Nasıl Keşfedildi diye ? Ricky Gervais'in dinlere karşı büyük bir ironi içeren filmi. YALANIN İCADI!
Tags // graham  bell  lidya  para  icadi  kabil  yalan  anne  sahne  film  muthis  tanri  cennet  olum  yokluk  din  video  super  kesif  ironi 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Comedy  Family 
Added: 2923 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 1240 | Comments: 3
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ThrillerFest, CraftFest and Pitchfest are designed to give writers an opportunity to learn from and network with some of the best in the genre! John Lescroart will be our 2016 Silver Bullet Award recipient. He will join 2016 ThrillerMaster Heather Graham and our Spotlight guests—C.J. Box, Gillian Flynn, and Walter Mosley—at the conference July 5-9. Find out more at Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3345 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 785 | Comments: 0
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Calling all cheesecake fanatics! Fiber One is introducing the perfect treat to satisfy cheesecake cravings any time with new Fiber One Cheesecake Bars in Salted Caramel and Strawberry. In honor of the new, guilt-free treat, Fiber One is turning National Cheesecake Day – July 30 – into a month-long cheesecake celebration. The brand kicked off the celebration with a pop-up Cheesecake Café sampling event at Grand Central Station, in New York City on National Cheesecake Day. The cheesecake celebration will continue throughout August 2015, when Fiber One will host its own Cheesecake Appreciation Month Sweepstakes* and a partnership with Hungry Girl to give tips on guilt-free ways to indulge in the dessert. “We are excited to introduce a guilt-free option inspired by a classic American dessert,” said Maria Lopez, associate marketing manager. “Fiber One Cheesecake Bars have cheesecake taste and texture that fulfill cheesecake cravings. This new offering is definitely worth celebrating throughout August and beyond.” With five grams of fiber and 150 calories per individually packaged bar, Fiber One Cheesecake Bars are the perfect guilt-free dessert with the added benefit of fiber. The irresistible layers of graham cracker-y goodness and creamy cheesecake allow you to indulge in a sweet treat without fighting your instincts to fill your cheesecake cravings To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3527 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 8603 | Comments: 0
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Tour Of The Garden At The Crescy.
Tags // forfar  scotland 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3578 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 559 | Comments: 1
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Bayer Healthcare, the makers of Coppertone®, kicked off an exciting multi-year deal with U.S. Soccer and the National Women’s Soccer League to encourage the use of sun protection on and off the field and help soccer fans across the country enjoy every minute of the game. Christen Press, star forward for the U.S. Women’s National Team, will be joined by fellow soccer stars Graham Zusi, Kelley O’Hara, and Matt Besler as brand ambassadors for Coppertone. “I’m so excited to be a Coppertone brand ambassador because as an athlete, taking care of my body is a huge part of my job and sunscreen is a vital part of that,” said Press. “Whether I’m running up and down the field or running errands, I make it a point to ensure that my skin is protected. Everyone, especially athletes and fans everywhere, need to make sunscreen and sun protection a priority.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3593 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m16s | Views: 834 | Comments: 0
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The 6th annual Variety Power of Youth event, which took place Saturday, Sept. 15 in Los Angeles, Calif. was the perfect platform for Allstate’s XtheTXT campaign to encourage young drivers not to text and drive. During the event, Hollywood’s rising stars and others pledged not to text and drive by inking their thumbprints on a Ford Focus car wrapped with XtheTXT messaging and imagery. In addition to many other young celebrities, including Joe, Kevin and Nick Jonas, Jordin Sparks, Christian Serratos, Diego Boneta and R.J. Mitte, Vampire Diaries' star Kat Graham took the pledge not to text and drive. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sexy  Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4570 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 3189 | Comments: 1
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This summer, let refreshing desserts take center stage at backyard picnics, barbecues and Fourth of July festivities. If you like to save room for dessert, this delicious Caramel Macchiato Ice Cream Pie is a crowd pleaser. A combination of smooth coffee ice cream, Dulce de Leche, Nestlé Toll House chocolate morsels and an almond graham cracker crust creates a delightfully grown-up taste. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4677 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 4812 | Comments: 2
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Buzz Lightyear Goes For A Walk Up Blamashanner Hill In Forfar 2012
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4807 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 8944 | Comments: 0
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Mother And Daughter At The Same Age In A Video Together.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4808 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 4m33s | Views: 8755 | Comments: 0



Se acerca el 2012 y una ola de alarma y especulación sobre la destrucción del planeta se ha apoderado de millones de personas, gracias a una profecía prevista, supuestamente, por la antigua civilización Maya. ¿Pero predijeron esto realmente los Mayas? ¿Cuáles eran sus verdaderas creencias sobre el 2012? En su nueva producción original Apocalipsis Maya, Discovery en Español hace un viaje al corazón de este fenómeno extraordinario para descifrar qué fue lo que vieron realmente los mayas y explorar las diferentes creencias actuales sobre el fin del mundo. La serie de tres episodios, comienza el domingo 4 de diciembre a las 9 PM E/P en Discovery en Español. Para mas, va a
Added: 4873 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 9083 | Comments: 0



Carol Platt was caught in the middle of the economic downturn with no backup plan. Searching for a stable job in an unstable economy proved to be difficult without a college degree. Her work history and past successes were overlooked. It had always been a dream of hers to complete her degree; after a failed first attempt, she was unsure of her ability to follow through. She began researching online education options and felt that Kaplan University stood out; she decided to complete her college degree online. Carol enrolled in Kaplan University’s School of Business and Management and earned her bachelor’s degree online, focusing on business with an emphasis in human resources. The adult continuing education program at Kaplan University is designed for working professionals who seek to further their career or, like Carol, want to earn their university degree online.* Students can complete assignments on a schedule that fits their lives. It’s this type of flexibility that helps prepare Kaplan University online students for success. Even if you already have an established career, it’s never too late to consider online business school to further your knowledge and update your skills. Increase your marketability with one of Kaplan University’s online bachelor degree programs without taking time off of work to attend class. * Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “I grew up in Graham, North Carolina. My parents both worked for the textile mills, both had fourth grade educations and my mom always wanted me to get an education. When I graduated from high school it was my dream to go to college. I failed the first class of my life which was my chemistry class. I was just overwhelmed so I left after about a year and half, got a job and kept trying to go back to school. For me it was personally devastating. It really bothered me. I felt like I was failing. I had one shot and I blew it. When Jenna left for boarding school I couldn’t even open the door and go in the room and I was almost 52. All of that coincided with the downturn of the market. I had almost $6 million dollars in contracts waiting to close and they all fell through—every single one of them. I thought, ‘now what? I don’t have a degree, there are no jobs.’ It doesn’t matter what I had done or how much success I had, the requirements are to have a degree. Not only that, I had to walk back in the door competing with people half my age and many of them had MBAs. It was just a matter of figuring out how to do it—so that’s when I started to check into what were the institutions, what was the cost, how were they respected. Kaplan [University] had a degree in business with a specialty in human resources. As I started narrowing the options down, it made it into about the final three. I took those three finalists to my traditional education friends and I said, ‘I want to know what the most respected online degree would be if someone was coming into your office looking for a job.’ The IT Dean, the Computer Science Dean, felt like Kaplan [University] had the best online delivery program that was out there. The Academic Dean’s advice was that this is a respected degree that you’re not going to have people questioning whether you were competent when you came out. Everything that you take there will be accepted if you go on to a master’s [program] anywhere so that was a very good recommendation. When I sat down at graduation, 31 years later, and I’m looking up at the podium and it says, ‘Kaplan University: a Different School of Thought’ that was probably more me because I do think a little differently. I’m willing to work on things that innovate and I think that’s more of an opportunity for me and many students like me.~N
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4909 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 6404 | Comments: 2
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Telcordia, a global leader in the development of Mobile, Broadband and Enterprise communications software and services, announced today that it has been honored as the winner of the Aegis Graham Bell 2011 Award in the “Innovation in Telecom OSS/BSS” category for the company”s Telcordia® Converged Revenue Management solution. For the second consecutive year, Telcordia received this award for its work with the region's CSPs, enabling them to accelerate new customer and revenue growth in a highly competitive market. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4993 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 6113 | Comments: 1
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