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As Child Passenger Safety Week wraps up, the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is launching a new Car Seat Finder Tool, adding the ability to look up car seat recalls on its mobile app, and reminding parents and caregivers to register their child's car seat through its new campaign – “Don't Delay. Register Your Car Seat Today.” Every 34 seconds, a child under the age of 13 is involved in a crash and more than a third of children killed in crashes were not in car seats or wearing seat belts. NHTSA's new Car Seat Finder Tool is aimed at helping parents select the right car seat or booster seat for their child, while the campaign reminds everyone of the importance of registering car seats to receive important safety recall notifications. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // ad  council  nhtsa  car  seat  belts  children  kids  driving  safety  multivu  7310151 
Added: 3839 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1012 | Comments: 2
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AARP Travel (, a new travel website launching today, offers a one-stop online experience that helps users take their travel ideas from dream to destination. With personalized trip planning tools like Trip Finder and Map Explorer, website visitors can put together the type of trips they want, get travel tips from noted travel expert and AARP Travel Ambassador Samantha Brown and read hundreds of articles and information on enticing destinations near and far. AARP\'s free site is designed to help consumers get the most out of every trip. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4025 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1184 | Comments: 1
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A new bulb finder tool makes it even easier for commercial and residential customers to find the right light bulb to meet their lighting needs. the largest online distributor of lighting products based in Worcester, Massachusetts has launched its new BulbFinder. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4200 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 1755 | Comments: 1
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Se mere på & Bladstrup Hundepension har været i drift siden 1987 og er baseret på princippet om, at dit kæledyr er et værdifuldt medlem af din familie og fortjener den bedst mulige pleje. Vi ved at det er en tillidserklæring at passe på din hund, og vi gør alt for at holde sundhed, psykologi og fysiske tilstand din hund på højt niveau. Det vigtigst for os er din og din hunds tilfredshed efter et behageligt ophold hos. Du finder Bladstrup Hundepension ikke langt fra Odense Lufthavn. Se vores film som fortæller hvem vi er og hvordan vi passer godt på din hund. Ring og bestil plads i dag: Bladstrup Hundepension. Glavendrupvej 15, Bladstrup, 5450 Otterup. / Åbningstider 9-10 og 17-18 efter aftale. Tlf.65955043 / 40717726 Telefontid bedst mellem 12-14
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4605 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 6696 | Comments: 0
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Introducing The New Sunset Western Garden Book ( Now in its ninth edition and completely redesigned to be more accessible, this go-to reference for gardening in the western United States includes over 2,000 full-color photographs for the first time as well as extra emphasis on contemporary issues like climate change, edible gardening, and water conservation. With an encyclopedia of 9,000 plants, savvy gardeners will relish the book’s complete reference guide with photos for every plant genus, solid information about the West’s distinct microclimates, and the new “Plant Finder” section with plants for every purpose and function. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4788 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 6355 | Comments: 1
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Local Apartments in the Omaha Area.
Added: 5166 days ago by OmahaAreaGuy
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 9868 | Comments: 0
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