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Eid is round the corner and in keeping with the spirit of the festival, Capillary Technologies has published a heartwarming three minute video on YouTube about a young man returning home this festive season to celebrate Eid with his family. The essence of the festival of Eid al-Fitr is the bonding, love, sharing, and caring that families around the world celebrate. In today’s busy lifestyle, to be able to give loved ones the immeasurable gift of time during Eid is priceless, and Capillary’s Eid Mubarak video captures the joy of being able to bond, re-connect and spend time with one’s family after a long period of separation. The narrative captures the man’s feelings as he thinks about his home, and the family he hasn’t met in five long years. The video explores various dimensions of human emotions in a beautiful manner, conveying a poignant message that family is the biggest blessing in the world and a festival is all about being with one’s family and celebrating the joy together. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Added: 3508 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1020 | Comments: 3
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