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Subscribe My Channel : Benefits of Lemon for Reducing Belly Fat Drinking lemon provides a plethora of benefits. This includes losing stomach fat. A recent study shows that people who drink lemon juice before bedtime reduce their body fat mass. It also improves their lipid profile. To make this bedtime drink taste more effective and better, you can combine lemon with a pitcher of water and other fresh fruits. Also, a little amount of honey can make a huge difference. Benefits of Cucumber for Reducing Belly Fat For a healthy and flavorful bedtime drink, a bottle of fresh cucumber juice is perfect. If the blend is too strong, add enough amount of water. You can also squeeze some lemons and grate ginger to make this drink tastier.
Tags // how  to  lose  belly  fat  overnight 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2078 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m18s | Views: 891 | Comments: 1
      Training at Thailand Camp in Phuket. Great Muay Thai training and started out with awesome Detox. Official Website: Email: Telephone: 087 471 1351
Tags // thailand  phuket  rawai  resort  camp 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4543 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6909 | Comments: 1
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4611 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m33s | Views: 5742 | Comments: 0



CLICK to find out more. WARNING: Before you buy, please read this information! You can lose up to 4lbs per week and detox your body with acai berry but you need to know THE FACTS first to ensure you are not being SCAMMED!!! To visit my health blog CLICK The top rated acai berry product as voted for on my website - with a daily dose of 1500mg per day of PURE, ORGANIC and FREEZE DRIED Acai Berry, Pure Acai Berry Max is the MOST SUPERIOR Acai Berry product available. Compare it to the competition and you will see!
Added: 4685 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 8669 | Comments: 1
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Reduce weight naturally and detox your body for optimum health. You may not be aware that many diet vpills contain harmful substances that can ruin your internal organs and overall health so we have come up with the top 3 natural solutions to reduce your weight naturally.
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Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5266 days ago by bernie7270
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 6772 | Comments: 0
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California News on Ibogaine Treatment 20 Feb, 2004 - BAY AREA (KRON 4) - Drug addiction has been the plague of modern America. But that could now change forever. What started as a rumor may now actually be an incredible breakthrough in the battle against addictions of all kinds. Features Dr. Deborah Mash who says she is going to submit to FDA her data gathered in her St. Kitts clinic. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw. The history of ADHD is often said to start with George Still 1902. Actually it starts already 1798 with George Crichton:
Added: 6394 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 9m21s | Views: 11511 | Comments: 1



A short Clip from: BBC's Horizon Special Psychedelic Experience One would not expect Britain's traditionally conservative and oft-staid BBC to screen a 50 minute film on the new wave of psychedelic research in humans. Yet, astonishingly enough, such a state of affairs recently came to pass. Before it aired on February 27th, 1997, Psychedelic Science was heavily featured in the media, even getting elaborate treatment in the Radio Times, a mass publication as institutionalised as the BBC itself. The Times, the Guardian, and the Independent, Britain's three leading broadsheets, all carried major pieces announcing the film. Dr. Deborah Mash and her research with ibogaine was also treated in depth in the film. Mash explains how ibogaine can be used to break cocaine habits although, as with ayahuasca, we do not not learn much about the actual phenomenology induced by ibogaine - suffice it to say that patients experience transformative insights into themselves which can break their patterns of addiction. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw The history of ADHD is not so new... and many addicts seems to have some of it...
Added: 6401 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 5m23s | Views: 9793 | Comments: 1



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