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Search // desafio
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Discovery en Español welcomes the new year with adrenaline-filled premieres on its popular programming block ‘Jueves de Aventura,’ highlighting the original production DESAFÍO X 2: MÉXICO, where two survival experts from Colombia and México, will test their skills in inhospitable territories of Chiapas, Veracruz and Puebla. DESAFÍO X 2: MÉXICO premieres January 12 and will air on Thursdays at 11PM E/P. Each of the six episodes will feature Colombian adventurer Daniel Tirado and Mexican army veteran Alberto Pegueros surviving in extremely remote wild Aztec lands and putting their skills and knowledge into practice in order to make their way back to civilization safe and sound. Together, they have to avoid danger, predators, and find food, water and shelter. However, conflicts are not only limited to wilderness, and each man’s survival skills might not always match those of his partner, so combining techniques and living together could become the greatest of challenges for both men. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2993 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 706 | Comments: 2
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Amway Norteamérica está buscando a los 10 jóvenes emprendedores de cambio más sobresalientes de los EE.UU. y Canadá para darles la oportunidad de amplificar su impacto en el mundo a través del Desafío Who Cares de Amway: Concurso de Liderazgo Juvenil. El concurso se anunció hoy durante el We Day Seattle y otorgará $10,000 a cada uno de los 10 ganadores, que pueden otorgar a la organización sin fines de lucro de su elección y les proporcionará el apoyo de un mentor de la organización caritativa internacional y su aliado educativo, Free the Children, para ayudarlos a llevar a cabo su visión. Para más, vaya a
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 4379 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 1034 | Comments: 2
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