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Search // decora
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Leviton today expanded its Decora product offering with the introduction of Decora Rocker Slide Controls, comprised of a new line of Decora Universal Dimmers and a Decora Quiet Fan Speed Control. The new Decora Rocker Slide Universal Dimmers provide smooth, slide-action, full-range dimming for incandescent, LED, CFL, halogen, magnetic low voltage, electronic low voltage and fluorescent loads; the new Decora Quiet Fan Speed Control offers 1.5 amps of quiet low, medium and high fan speed control. These new Decora products feature a streamlined style to complement any home’s décor and provide a sleek, uniform appearance when paired with other Decora devices. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3696 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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