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Search // couch
Results 1-12 of 12 for ' couch ' (0 seconds)
Just a few months ago, summer seemed so distant. But somehow, June has come and gone and many of us are in panic mode trying to make the most of what’s left of the summer. If you have yet to plan a summer getaway, you are not alone. But fear not - there’s still time to get off the couch and head out to enjoy the warm weather before the temps cool off. Whether you’re looking for a weekend getaway, impromptu day trip, or just fun activities to enjoy close to home, travel expert and award-winning television news reporter, Julie Loffredi, will share her favorite summertime trips, tips, and activities make this summer the best one yet! Julie, thanks for joining us! To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2441 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 973 | Comments: 1
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For more than 60 years, Denny’s has been feeding America whatever they want, whenever they want it. Now, with ‘Denny’s on Demand’ fans can order the diner food they crave, wherever they crave it. Starting today, America can enjoy Denny’s anywhere thanks to the new ordering platform, offering guests a quick and easy way to place a mobile or online order for takeout or delivery* of their favorite menu items. Whether it’s pancakes by the pool, burgers on the beach or coffee on the couch, Denny’s is bringing the diner right to your door, 24/7. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2854 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 705 | Comments: 0



Spending 30 minutes on a treadmill or an elliptical machine a few times each week is not the key to a healthy lifestyle. What’s more important is getting out of your chair, or off the couch, and moving throughout the day – preferably at least once an hour. That’s the logic behind Anytime Fitness’ new “Every Step Counts” campaign – which features reserved parking spots for its members as far away as possible from the gym, in the far corners of the parking lot. “We care what you do outside the gym every bit as much as when you’re inside one of our facilities,” said Chuck Runyon, CEO and co-founder of Anytime Fitness. “Three hours of rigorous exercise a week is great. But what you do during the other 165 hours each week will really determine whether you’re healthy or not. If you sit in a chair and stare at a computer screen for eight hours a day, without moving every hour or so, then research* shows you’re much more likely to develop a long list of preventable chronic diseases. Sitting too much is the new smoking.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3035 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 751 | Comments: 0
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From a dinner party to a night on the couch, cheese boards are a delicious way to enjoy cheese and gourmet pairings. Castello®, maker of creatively crafted imported cheeses, is making it easier than ever for cheese fans to create a delectable board with its new Cheese Board Builder™. The interactive tool allows users to create their own board featuring unique cheeses, food pairings and beverages based on their taste and dietary preferences. To create a personalized cheese board, users input preferences such as whether they enjoy bold or mild flavors, traditional or unexpected pairings, and creamy, blue or aged cheeses. They can also indicate if the board should be gluten-free, vegetarian, low-sugar or non-alcoholic. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3197 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 771 | Comments: 0
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Totino’s Pizza Rolls™ and Twitch, the world’s leading social video platform and community for gamers, are teaming up to create the ultimate gaming showdown using a one-of-a-kind “Totino’s Bucking Couch.” On Sunday, Feb. 7, Twitch users will have the opportunity to spin, roll and buck some of the top names in gaming right off the couch they’re sitting on in the first ever “Totino's Bucking Couch Bowl.” Created by Totino’s, the first ever bucking couch is set up like a mechanical bull with a full range of motion and controlled through chatroom commands by Twitch commentators, highlighting the Totino’s “Live Free. Couch Hard.” lifestyle. Designed to disrupt anyone who takes a seat, the couch offers a challenge to skilled gamers and a thrilling live event for Twitch users to enjoy. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3344 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 944 | Comments: 0
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This song is for everybody who's gone out shopping for shoes and come home with a couch... and a headache! Stop Shopping and start collecting with Booodl to get the things you really want, every time.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4155 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 2308 | Comments: 0



Enter the Adam and Eve Coupon Code HANS to enjoy 50% OFF at the checkout. Order today to get FREE Shipping, a FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Hot DVD’s. The Casting Couch Professor Puppet and Sasha Snow discuss about the casting couch situation in Hollywood. Sasha is an aspiring actress who’s trying to get her way through stardom. Everyone knows that it’s hard to achieve one’s dream of becoming a celebrity but it’s definitely even harder for women because it frequently happens that a producer would leave some subtle impression of a Quid pro quo “this for that” situation. Say, a producer would solicit some sexual favors in return of becoming a cast in a show. Sasha, in her experience, has a few to mention just like male producers would come up to her and would say something in a smooth connotative language but the meaning is still the same. In a form of straight forward language, it only means one thing and that is “I want to f*ck you”. So it’s like this, they’re just working it out in a professional context like getting drinks here and there, wining and dining, etc. But behind the scenes there are some celebrities out there who made their way through the top by sleeping with everyone in the corporate ladder.
Tags // hollywood 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4337 days ago by marghans333
Runtime: 6m24s | Views: 995 | Comments: 2
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They're hungrier than a Hungarian on a hunger strike. Able to eat a whole MAXIBON in between meals. Look over on the couch! Are they blokes? No, they're MAXIBLOKES! And they're so freakin' awesome they have their very own action figures! Watch as these superhuman-hunger fighting machines defeat the evil forces of man-hunger with MAXIBON and do cool stuff with their action figures. Hell yeah! To WIN your own action figure buy a specially marked MAXIBON and enter at Or follow us at
Tags // maxibon  maxiblokes  action  figures 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4359 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 852 | Comments: 0
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Love my Flexible honeycomb paper sofa.
Tags // love  flexible  paper  couch  honeycomb  chair 
Categories // Funny  Family  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4463 days ago by PaperSofa
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 3345 | Comments: 1
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Nationally recognized fitness expert Andrea Metcalf of Chicago is showing you how to take it off with her new book, Naked Fitness, A 28 Day Proven Weight Loss Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain-free body, (Vanguard Press) this spring by helping you take the first step: motivation, walking and rewards. Don’t worry; you won’t have to strip off your clothes…only your fear of looking in the mirror. Metcalf’s plan inspires you to transform body and mind with personalized workouts, meals, beauty consultations, product demonstrations and more. But, if the thought of trying on a bathing suit still isn’t enough motivation to get you off the couch and moving, you’re not alone. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5072 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 8902 | Comments: 1
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More tactile than the originals it emulates, and even easier to use, ReBirth has just been released by Propellerhead for the Apple iPad. Propellerhead ReBirth for iPad fuses great sounding music machines with a can't-miss, hands-on interface for the ideal music creation system ready for the couch, bus, club or Internet post. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  Event and Party  Business 
Added: 5235 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m12s | Views: 7251 | Comments: 3
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Tags // ggg 
Categories // Comedy  Cartoon 
Added: 5784 days ago by flegon
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 12457 | Comments: 2



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