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L'arte di intrattenere con le giuste atmosfere i momenti di incontro e relax dei vostri ospiti e del divertimento nel ballo tutta la notte, è una questione di dettagli che vive nell'esperienza e di attimi. Non si raggiunge con una playlist uguale per tutte le occasioni. E' un lavoro artistico che necessita della giusta sensibilità e cultura musicale per rendere la vostra festa di matrimonio un evento che resterà nella memoria collettiva di tutti i presenti. Anche il crescendo della serata, l'arte di far urlare e cantare i ritornelli delle canzoni al cambio di mixaggio, è una caratteristica legata all'esperienza. Potrete indicarmi i vostri gusti musicali ed io su queste ed altre caratteristiche creerò come un sarto, la vostra serata. Indicatemi la vostra data, la location, il numero approssimativo di ospiti, sarò felice di aiutarvi ad organizzare un fantastico wedding party. La vostra serata. +393283334184 The art of entertaining with the right atmosphere the moments of meeting and relaxation of your guests and the fun in the dance all night, is a matter of details that lives in the experience and moments. You do not reach it with an equal playlist for all occasions. It’s an artistic work that needs the right sensitivity and musical culture to make your wedding party an event that will be remembered in the collective memory of everyone present. The growing of the evening, the art of making the chorus of the songs scream and sing at the change of mixing, is also a characteristic linked to the experience. You can tell me your musical tastes and I will create your evening as a tailor. Tell me your date, location, approximate number of guests, I will be happy to help you organize a fantastic wedding party. This is your night. #weddingdj #weddingdjitaly #bestweddingdj #weddingdjtuscany #wedding #weddingitaly #weddingvideo #weddingmusic #djforwedding #djservice #weddingdjrome #musicwedding #saxdj #weddingmusic #musicwedding #weddingitaly #weddingrome #weddinginitaly #weddingumbria #weddingsorrento #weddingnaples #WeddingDjGianpieroFatica #DjGianpieroFatica #djmobile #djservice #weddingaperitiv #70s #80s #80smusic #disco #funky #classicrock #ballades #irish #latinmusic #housemusic #edm #edmmusic #edmmix #feste40anni #feste50anni #feste60anni #festeprivate #festeprivateroma #privateparty #weddingceremony #weddingceremonymusic #djmatrimonio #djpermatrimonio #musicamatrimonio #djbodas #casamento #oldschool #Weddingdj #weddingdjrome #weddingdjitaly #weddingitalystyle #Weddingceremony #weddingreception #weddingparty #weddingitaly #weddingmusic #musicwedding #weddingdjs #weddingdjservice #weddinginrome #weddinginsorrento #weddingintuscany #djservice #Djmobile #70s #80s #90s #80smusic #disco #housemusic #latinmusic #jazzmusic #jazzdance #Djsax #djoldschool #djmobile #dj #djservice #djsong #djselection #djweddingstyle #djwedding #weddingdjflorence #romadjpianobar #djset #djoldschool #radiocontactitaly #funkydiscoradio #funkyhouse #funkyhousemusic #djentertainment #djvocalist #djpianobar #djanimatrice #djanimazione #bestweddingmusic #tuscanywedding #weddingintuscany #djs #weddinginflorence #luxurywedding #destinationwedding #gettingmarried #tuscanstyle #realwedding #tuscany #marriedintuscany #marriedinitaly #marriedinrome #sax #wedding #matrimonio #saxmatrimonio #weddingsax #luxuryevent #luxury #privateparty #saxo #sassofonista #saxophonist #livesax #vinyl #djviral #djanni70 #djanni80 #djanni90 #musicaanni70 #musicaanni80 #musicaanni90 #anni70 #anni80 #anni90
Categories // Music  Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 374 days ago by romadj
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 413 | Comments: 1



Painted Tree offers a hands-on experience with some of the best merchandise from vendors all over the country. Think of Etsy but in real life but even better. Founded by Co-Founder Corey Gillum showcases the Painted Tree on the iPhone as featured here in this video. Come in and experience hundreds of shops all under the same roof. Find a location here you at:
Tags // painted  tree 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1107 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 578 | Comments: 0
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1946 ultra rare $100,000 error cent. Improper alloy mix video and rare off metal strikes. These type of Errors are Extreemly Rare especially when they are old like this one... 1946 wheat cent. Major sites are showcasing 4 and auctions sites are hardly showing any for sale. A $100,000.00 dollar value. A collectores dream come True. I love Treasure Hunting for Rare Lincoln Cents.. God Bless America!!!
Tags // rare  penny  millionaire 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1351 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 864 | Comments: 0
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Get The Full Training Here: Are you looking to create a helpful and profitable online course for FREE? Without having to pay for expensive training or even pay money upfront for course hosting platforms? With my system, I create the offer - before I even create the course - to GUARANTEE success! Here's how it works: Step 1: First find out WHO you want to serve... Who is your audience and WHERE are they hanging out? Step 2: Then create an OFFER for that audience that they simply cannot resist. This is where some good copywriting skills come in handy. Step 3: Now you can PROVE concept by getting a few sales (you can either put the customer on a waiting list or refund them) Step 4: Now you have a proven concept - You can build your course!
Tags // how  to  create  an  online  course  for  free 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1442 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m40s | Views: 804 | Comments: 0
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Please don't Click me:​ Is it Bunny Or Rabbit? Rabbit or Bunny Bonding - Both are adapted from a different owner and we try to Bond them together. One is a Male Bunny and a Female Bunny - The Female Bunny is so Agressive but in the End the Male Bunny Win. its was not an easy date but was successful, its not done yet more episode to come! Bunnies Bonding Moment Please check more Videos for the Other Episode This is just one of the Episode. Thanks for watching and Ciao!
Tags // bunny 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1467 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 2161 | Comments: 0
      Discover Little Know Natural Remedies For Varicose Veins Many women and even men suffer from varicose veins. It can be a painful or unsightly condition. When you begin to feel that you are starting to come down with varicose veins, this is the best time to get into action, with various natural remedies to keep this condition at bay.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1578 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 754 | Comments: 0
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If you're looking for a safe and trouble-free way of #Squarespace to #Wix migration, our video tutorial will definitely come in handy. What Data Can You Migrate? Cart2Cart Shopping Cart Migration Service can transfer your Squarespace data, like Products, Orders, Coupons to the new Wix store. Learn more here: Launch the FREE Demo migration ( to test the service in action. Take a step forward towards your dream store with Cart2Cart!
Tags // cart2cart 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1595 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 743 | Comments: 0
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Eye diseases like cataract, glaucoma, detached retina, or myopia all come from weakness and inflammation in the tissues that compose and surround the eye. Most doctors don’t know what to say to you on how you can strengthen and protect your eyes from becoming disease or if you have an eye disease on how to improve your condition
Categories // Family 
Added: 1641 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m8s | Views: 761 | Comments: 0
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So much is written about arthritis and you can get confused as to what causes arthritis and what you can do about it. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition. These inflammations come from infections. Infections come from a variety of conditions such as:
Categories // Family 
Added: 1643 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m6s | Views: 651 | Comments: 0
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Turmeric is a plant that has a very long history of medicinal use, dating back nearly 4000 years. Modern medicine has begun to recognize turmeric's importance, as indicated by the over 3000 publications dealing with turmeric that have come out within the last 25 years.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1712 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 5m18s | Views: 764 | Comments: 0
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Most of your behavior, good or bad, is determined from the experiences you had from the time you were conceived to the time you became 12 years old. If you had a hard time in the womb, this will reflect on what type of person you will become. If you had a hard time during birth, this also will affect your personality. If you were abused and not loved up until you became 12 years old, your behavior and personality will be set for the rest of your life.
Tags // behavior  human  behavior 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1723 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m34s | Views: 716 | Comments: 0
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Fiber is one of the necessities for good colon function and constipation relief. Discovery the reasons to use fiber and the diseases you can avoid when you include fiber in your diet. Start using more fiber to get good constipation relief. Not only will you feel better but you will be preventing many diseases that just waiting to be created in your body. Do you see any of the diseases listed above that people come down with as they age? Did they eat enough fiber? Will you eat enough fiber? Please do.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1782 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 717 | Comments: 0
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