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Search // chuen
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This is the effective and direct monkey style of Douwe Geluk. He learned this from his master Shifu Fred Decramer from 1985 until 1993. This are the direct and effective martial arts techniques from the How Chuen Kungfu style Fred Decramer was teaching
Tags // martial  arts  how  chuen  douwe  geluk  apeldoorn  tai  chi  chuan  bron  van  geluk  fuyuan  kungfu  chi  kung  karate  judo  aikido  jiu 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2198 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 898 | Comments: 0
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Documentary part 4: Dutch Man of Tai Chi master shifu Douwe Geluk from Holland. The Dutch man of Tai Chi master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe practised the Chinese martial arts since a very young age besides kickboxing, karate and judo he practies How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu The way of the Sasquatch with master Fred Decramer and had several teachers throughout the world for Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Pushing Hands and others. Douwe Geluk is currently operating a bigg martial arts school in the Netherlands here he tells you about his life.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2242 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1062 | Comments: 0
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Documentary part 3: Dutch Man of Tai Chi master shifu Douwe Geluk from Holland The Dutch man of Tai Chi master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe practised the Chinese martial arts since a very young age besides kickboxing, karate and judo he practies How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu The way of the Sasquatch with master Fred Decramer and had several teachers throughout the world for Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Pushing Hands and others. Douwe Geluk is currently operating a bigg martial arts school in the Netherlands here he tells you about his life.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2242 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 880 | Comments: 0
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Documentary part 2: Dutch Man of Tai Chi master shifu Douwe Geluk from Holland The Dutch man of Tai Chi master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe practised the Chinese martial arts since a very young age besides kickboxing, karate and judo he practies How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu The way of the Sasquatch with master Fred Decramer and had several teachers throughout the world for Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Pushing Hands and others. Douwe Geluk is currently operating a bigg martial arts school in the Netherlands here he tells you about his life.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2242 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 915 | Comments: 0
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Documentary part 1: Dutch Man of Tai Chi master shifu Douwe Geluk from Holland The Dutch man of Tai Chi master Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Douwe practised the Chinese martial arts since a very young age besides kickboxing, karate and judo he practies How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu The way of the Sasquatch with master Fred Decramer and had several teachers throughout the world for Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Pushing Hands and others. Douwe Geluk is currently operating a bigg martial arts school in the Netherlands here he tells you about his life.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2242 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1057 | Comments: 0
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Martial Arts master Douwe Geluk performs Sasquatch Kung Fu part II This is the second part of martial arts of the Sasquatch. Douwe Geluk live sin Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands Europe and his greatest passion is practising and teaching the martial arts. Douwe Geluk trained this martial arts art How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu under a master called Fred Decramer in Arnhem city at Gym sportschool Kreijtz in the Netherlands. Douwe Geluk his background lies in Kyokushin Karate, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, How Chuen Sasquatch Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Qong. At the moment Douwe Geluk has his own school or martial arts in Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands and is teaching Taijiquan and Qi Qong at Tai Chi Apeldoorn de Bron van Geluk Fuyuan : the scource of happiness.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2247 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 792 | Comments: 0
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Martial Arts of the Saquatch by shifu Douwe Geluk The Chinese martial arts are often based on animals, also mythical animals like the Dragon, the Phoenix or the Sasquatch. Douwe Geluk is an international famous martial arts teacher. He studied How Chuen Monkey Kung Fu from 1985 until 1993 under grandmaster Fred Decramer. It was not a normal Monkey Kungfu but the way of the Standing Tall Monkey or the Sasquatch, Bigfoot or Yeti. Douwe Geluk from Apeldoorn in the Netherlands has decided to record everything he still knew for the SRMAA Shintai ryu Martial Arts Association in West Virginia. Douwe Geluk has his own martial arts school called: Tai Chi Apeldoorn Bron van Geluk Fu Yuan. Douwe Geluk also holds a 4rd degree Black Belt in Ng Ying Kuen.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2247 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 1008 | Comments: 0



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