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Search // bx
Results 1-1 of 1 for ' bx ' (0 seconds) - The rugged new FLIR E60 IR thermal imaging camera is designed for all electrical and mechanical applications. With 320 x 240 resolution at 60 Hz and measures temperature up to 1,202°F, the FLIR E 60 is more productive and effective than its rivals. You won't miss a thing with th E60s real time capture, a big, bright touchscreen with plenty of tools to help you fine-tune and analyze images quickly; Wi-Fi connectivity to transfer images and data to mobile devices for further analysis, reports, and immediate sharing; and more.
Tags // e  40bx  e40bx  flir  e  40  bx  flir  e40  bx  flir  thermal  imager 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4450 days ago by taviencloz
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