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Man saves child falling from building
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Added: 1042 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 456 | Comments: 1
      With a professional pest control contract in the county of Essex, all types of pests will be eliminated immediately without having to worry about the problem. All types of buildings that can will find benefits from a pest control contract. We have experienced a lot of companies and there’s nothing that will be too small or big for our experts to handle. This information video further explain how the process works. Pest Exterminators Essex can supply pest extermination for both commercial and residential properties in Essex. When you take out a pest control contract, one of our technicians will look over your building regularly. This will help to prevent pest hoards from becoming out of hand and keep your commercial property free of unhygienic pests. Pest Exterminators Essex‘s professional pest contracts are unique and we will also make plans for the task in various ways that will suit your needs. The sad truth about pest control is that it isn’t something you you will only have to do once. Most infestations are likely to reoccur to your business building repeatedly over and over again unless action is taken immediately and consistently. Eliminating pest infestations is a difficult struggle, which is why most business properties will have around the clock pest prevention and monitoring by a professional pest company. The simplest way to take care of this infestation is by signing up for a contract with a pest controller.
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Added: 1233 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 828 | Comments: 0
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ATLANTA — January 29, 2019 — The Krystal Foundation announces $101,112.78 in enrichment funding for 31 schools and school-affiliated organizations. These grant recipients were chosen from 229 applications received during the Foundation’s first two grant windows for the 2018-2019 academic year. The next grant window opens on February 1 and extends to March 1 when recipients will be selected for an additional $50,000 for impactful programming in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) as well as music, sports and culinary arts. “Krystal is fully invested in the communities we serve,” said Paul Macaluso, Krystal president and CEO and president of The Krystal Foundation. “The Foundation helps pay for programs that foster academic enrichment, while building life skills for the children of our customers and our employees.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2243 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 892 | Comments: 0
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Clayton, one of America’s leading builders of prefabricated homes, has released a new video featuring the story of a family whose Clayton Built® home survived the devastating Category Four Hurricane Michael. When the hurricane made landfall Oct.10, Darla and Terry’s Clayton Built® home was along its path. The two moved to Mexico Beach, Fla. from Alabama after retirement to be closer to the beach. They originally planned to build a site built home on their newly purchased property, but after learning more about Clayton and touring the company’s Clayton SE Homes home building facility in Addison, Ala., the couple opted to purchase a Clayton Built® home from Clayton Homes of Panama City instead. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2276 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 891 | Comments: 1
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Clayton, one of the leading builders of prefabricated and site built homes, has partnered with Family Promise, a leading national nonprofit addressing the family homelessness crisis in America, to present a New Braunfels family with a brand-new prefabricated home. The owners of a mobile roadside assistance company, Mona Lisa and Oscar De Paz of New Braunfels tried to live their dream of owning a business and providing for their family of five, but when receiving payments from clients proved to be a challenge, they suddenly found themselves without a place to live. With nowhere to turn, the family slept in their car or at a storage facility with their belongings. The storage facility manager suggested they contact Family Promise of Greater New Braunfels. In three months, the family successfully completed the program’s requirements, secured steady employment and housing and achieved sustainable independence. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2283 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 841 | Comments: 1
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Building on the results of the largest behaviour change study on physical activity, Vitality and its global network of insurers have collectively committed to improving the health of millions over the next seven years. This is in line with the World Health Organizations’ Global Action Plan on Physical Activity, which aims to address the dramatic growth in lifestyle diseases, caused in part by a lack of exercise. Incentives and Physical Activity, conducted by leading independent research institute, RAND Europe, found an average 34% increase in activity levels of participants using Vitality Active Rewards with Apple Watch. The study examined the behaviours of over 400 000 people in the UK, US and South Africa. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2297 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m52s | Views: 839 | Comments: 1
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A recent study found that only 47% of Americans are currently taking steps to prevent bone loss1, despite considering it to be of high importance. In an effort to educate the public about the importance of bone health, Sunsweet Growers has partnered with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) to support their annual World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) campaign. WOD is globally celebrated on October 20 and serves to create awareness for bone health and the steps that can be taken to protect bones including incorporating bone-building habits – like eating prunes – into a regular lifestyle routine. Bones need the right nutrients to stay strong and healthy and research suggests that eating just 5-6 prunes (the Feel Good Fruit!) each day may help to prevent bone loss. However, many do not think about bone health until after a fracture or break occurs. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2348 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 854 | Comments: 3
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Holland America Line is building on its popular collection of immersive culinary-themed FOOD & WINE® EXC Tours (shore excursions) with the addition of 20 new tours throughout Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Canada & New England. Developed in partnership with FOOD & WINE magazine, Holland America debuted 23 excursions earlier this year on select cruises in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe that explore food, wine and culture in some of the world's hottest gastronomic locales. During these exclusive tours, guests take hands-on cooking classes with top restaurant chefs, go on culinary walking tours, visit wineries, sample authentic street food, explore local hideaways and more. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2368 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 952 | Comments: 1
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Industry leaders attending the first Smart China Expo (SCE 2018) in China’s western city of Chongqing have articulated a new vision for how the world’s digital economy will evolve at the event’s Global Digital Economy Summit, a forum that brought together 650 participants under the theme “New Digital Economy, New Growth Engine.” Speakers projected a future in which Big Data reshapes the way businesses and governments operate, cooperate, and compete. New forces being unleashed by current innovations threaten to disrupt the existing economic growth models of many industries, as digital information will rise to the same status as land and capital as a key element of productivity. Meanwhile, governments around the world are building “smart infrastructure” as they seek to use technology to upgrade power grids, railways, ports and toll roads, and seek to integrate everything. Big Data technology also helps build “smart cities,” boost consumption, and improve social welfare programs ranging from education to philanthropy to healthcare. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2385 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 918 | Comments: 2
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New Avon LLC (“Avon”) took over Columbus, Ohio as 6,000 Avon Representatives hit the capital city for the company’s annual “RepFest” Convention from July 26-29. Beauty bosses from all fifty states attended the three-day celebration – complete with exciting new product launches, valuable business-building seminars and recognition events honoring top Avon Representatives. Avon Representatives were front and center during the conference as the brand unveiled its latest campaign catalog which honors and features Avon Representatives. From top-sellers to accomplished leaders, the first-of-its-kind catalog for the brand recognizes the Avon Representative community by highlighting the real people who are not only the cover models but also the role models. All Avon Representatives featured in the campaign attended RepFest and were celebrated for achieving their career goals having paved their own unique paths to success with the beauty brand. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2425 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 750 | Comments: 1
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Out of thousands of high achieving Kumon Students from the United States, Canada, and Mexico, just 56 were selected to attend the second annual Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada on July 18th. The invited students are studying at least three years above their grade level in math and/or reading at their respective Kumon Centers. Attendees had the opportunity to learn from each other through a variety of enjoyable learning activities designed to foster team building, group discussion, critical thinking and creativity. In this unique learning environment, students heard from inspirational former Kumon Students who have completed the Kumon Program, some of whom are now successful professionals. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2433 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 927 | Comments: 1
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How To Start A Social Media Marketing Agency In 2018 (Best Business Model To Start In 2018?) Claim your FREE Business Building Strategy Session Here: My name is Emil, a 21 year old from Norway. This is my story. How do you start your own marketing agency? In this video I'm explaining to you how I did it, and why I think it is the easiest business model to start in 2018. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Looking forward to your success.
Tags // how  to  start  a  social  media  marketing  agency 
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Added: 2504 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m51s | Views: 707 | Comments: 3
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