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Search // bank
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An Accident Victim Solicits For Financial Help; Bishop Marcus Of Anglican Diocese Confirms The Incidents and Pleads With The General Public To Support The Family. A young man who was involved in a fatal accident together with his parents has called on well-meaning Nigerians to support them financially to save his life. After the accident, he suffers a spinal cord injury from the accident, after which he was operated on. he developed bedsore from laying down on one side, which has led to so many complications and would require over 6 million naira for his treatment. when they could not bear the funds anymore, they were discharged because the bills was becoming too high, so that was how they came home. it was a very bad situation, even now it's the father that is dressing the wound, they can't take him to the hospital, the boy cannot move and can't even talk properly Please here the account details:- ACCT. NO. :- 0 0 4 9 2 7 7 2 8 7 ACCT. NAME:- Ogbonnaya Christian ACCESS BANK NIGERIA.
Tags // accident  victim 
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Added: 1336 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m42s | Views: 819 | Comments: 0
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Click here: Stop Foreclosure! Are You Facing Foreclosure and Need Help? Look No Further! Home Buyers of Hawaii can provide the assistance you need. We assist homeowners on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and The Big Island of Hawaii with just about any foreclosure related service you can think of. Sell your house quickly with out using a realtor. We will assist you in a fast and easy sale of your home and will not charge any commissions or fees. Your bank won’t help you avoid foreclosure, we know how difficult a letter from your bank is to deal with. Regardless of what your lender does, one of the worst things you can do is to do nothing. We help you avoid foreclosure and penalty fees, working directly with our foreclosure experts is one of the best options that you have to fight foreclosure. Stop the foreclosure process, no matter what your personal situation is right now. You have limited time to avoid foreclosure, we can put an end to the harassing phone calls. You may report any suspicious activity regarding your home to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by visiting or by contacting your local Attorney General Office at
Tags // foreclosure  honolulu  hawaii 
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Added: 1772 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 932 | Comments: 0
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When you are in need of a towing service, go with the pro but don't break the bank! Call us today at 404-857-3348 or visit our website for the best quote in town!
Added: 2004 days ago by Ernie_M
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1105 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Backsplash tiles are an often overlooked part of the kitchen. But they don't have to be! We spend lots of time in the kitchen, and sometimes don't realize what a different a new backsplash tile can make. Changing up the look of your kitchen with a new backsplash tile can completely transform it. You'll be excited to come home, pop on that apron and cook awhile! And while it might seem like buying completely new backsplash tile will break the bank, there are many options perfect for people on a budget. In this video we'll take a look at the crucial elements to consider when choosing new backsplash tile, and our suggestions to help you pick the ones right for you! So if you're in the mood to spice up your kitchen and have it pop, or to make it glisten and sparkle, or even to give it a sleek and modern look, watch this video for some great tips! We'll have you excited about backsplash tile in no time!
Tags // backsplash  tile 
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Added: 2285 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 791 | Comments: 2
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The gastronomic gathering that is the Food Network & Cooking Channel New York City Wine & Food Festival presented by Capital One (NYCWFF) returns to the Big Apple for its 11th edition October 11 – 14 with more than 75 events taking place across New York. Since its inception, the Festival’s mission to EAT. DRINK. END HUNGER. has raised more than $11 million to benefit the hunger-relief organizations No Kid Hungry® and Food Bank For New York City, due, in part, to the popularity of its signature tasting events that take place throughout the weekend.
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 2341 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 930 | Comments: 1
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In just five hours overnight on October 18, Times Square was transformed from a concrete jungle into a woodland paradise by LightStream, the national online lending division of SunTrust Bank. Nearly 200 live trees, shrubs and plants -- oak, maple, and purple plum trees, as well as rhododendron, mountain laurels and more – provided a magical setting for thousands of visitors to enjoy and have their photo taken and shared on a Times Square billboard. The Forest of Dreams event kicked off LightStream’s effort to plant 10,000 trees in October, one for each person who participated in Times Square or who signs up at before November 1. The Forest of Dreams will benefit wilderness areas and green spaces across the U.S., including areas decimated by wildfires and hurricanes in Houston, Miami and California. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2690 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 941 | Comments: 2
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Lively city districts and many places of interest line themselves up along the banks of Hamburg’s Elbe, where water and urban life meet: from the Hafencity with its newest landmark, the Elbphilharmonie, through the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Speicherstadt, the world-renowned St. Pauli pier and the fish market to the beaches of the Elbe in Ovelgönne and Blankenese. The southern bank of the Elbe shows the rough industrial romanticism of Hamburg Harbour and, together with Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg has Europe’s biggest river island, enlaced by remarkable waterways and forested areas.In addition, there are countless exciting maritime events directly on the water or close to it: classic events like the Hafengeburtstag (harbour birthday), romantic cruises during the Hamburg Cruise Days, musical highlights like the Elbjazz Festival and young, wild events like the art and music festival MS Dockville. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2698 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 742 | Comments: 2
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Lively city districts and many places of interest line themselves up along the banks of Hamburg’s Elbe, where water and urban life meet: from the Hafencity with its newest landmark, the Elbphilharmonie, through the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Speicherstadt, the world-renowned St. Pauli pier and the fish market to the beaches of the Elbe in Ovelgönne and Blankenese. The southern bank of the Elbe shows the rough industrial romanticism of Hamburg Harbour and, together with Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg has Europe’s biggest river island, enlaced by remarkable waterways and forested areas.In addition, there are countless exciting maritime events directly on the water or close to it: classic events like the Hafengeburtstag (harbour birthday), romantic cruises during the Hamburg Cruise Days, musical highlights like the Elbjazz Festival and young, wild events like the art and music festival MS Dockville. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2698 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 728 | Comments: 2
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A whopping 80 percent of enterprises are investing today in AI, but one in three business leaders believe their company will need to invest more over the next 36 months to keep pace with competitors. At the same time, enterprises are anticipating significant barriers to adoption and are looking to strategize against those issues by creating a new C-suite position, the Chief AI Officer (CAIO), to streamline and coordinate AI adoption. These results come from a survey of 260 large organizations that operate globally, conducted by leading technology industry market research firm Vanson Bourne on behalf of Teradata (NYSE: TDC), the leading data and analytics company. “There is an important trend emerging evident in this report — enterprises today see AI as a strategic priority that will help them outpace the competition in their respective industries,” says Atif Kureishy, Vice President, Emerging Practices at Think Big Analytics, a Teradata company. “But to leverage the full potential of this technology and gain maximum ROI, these businesses will need to revamp their core strategies so AI has an embedded role from the data center to the boardroom.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // bank  danske  ai  fraud  crime  technology  safety  money  multivu  8075951 
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Added: 2699 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m27s | Views: 852 | Comments: 2
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Am 24. September wählt Deutschland einen neuen Bundestag. Vor der Wahl sind die Finanzmärkte besonders stark in Bewegung, denn sie reagieren unmittelbar auf Wahlprognosen und Wählerstimmungen. Anleger können jetzt die Fortschritte der künstlichen Intelligenz nutzen, um auch bei volatilen Märkten ihre Anlageentscheidungen zu treffen. Dazu lanciert Swissquote, die führende Schweizer Online-Bank, heute den #DE30 Social Sentiment Index, der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Social Media Lab der EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) entwickelt wurde. Der Index fasst die in den sozialen Medien geäusserten Meinungen der Anleger und Händler zum deutschen Aktienindex DAX (Leitindex mit den 30 grössten Unternehmen) zusammen und wertet sie aus. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2739 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 857 | Comments: 2
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BITCOIN CHAINCOIN Song Pump & Hodl Animated Video by Master CryptoSkrilla Coming Soon Crypto Info News you can use to help you step your game up. Send Bitcoin Donations: 12iWmM1VbQjuBSMvwadsCuxKKyS1VPtV9 Send Ethereum Donations da3bf4b560e198bbfe8a7b3f85de25250e59f62434ca0bf322a07e4df46bf220 If you already Own Bitcoin, or would like to learn how to own crypto currency and make daily interest on it, no joke, Then read on. - Earn daily interest of an average of .9% (30 day average) How much does your savings make daily? - Be your own bank! - It only takes $100 to get started. - More opportunities to use your crypto to make more return. - Full trading platform - Referral bonus program - Plus more... - Free to join website, loaded with Bitcoin information if you'd like to know more. - I'll even give you CASH back to do it. That's right, 3% on your first investment, and you start earning interest right away. - Just use the link below. Sign up. Check it out. You will be surprised. I think this is one of the best opportunities, ground floor with the currency revolution. Any questions, please email: Yobit: Buy & Trade Cryptos Cryptopia: Buy & Trade Cryptos PAXFUL: Buy Bitcoin Id: W24QWenqYKa Check out Crypto Blood He Solid as a rock
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Added: 2762 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m19s | Views: 798 | Comments: 3
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Swissquote Bank Ltd., Switzerland’s leading online bank, announces the launch of investment options based on the possible victory of either candidate in the upcoming second round of the French presidential election. Investors can choose among baskets filled with stocks, indices and currencies, optimized for one of the two outcomes. The stocks, indices and currencies in the two Macron baskets are expected to rise following a Macron victory; those in the Le Pen baskets would gain value with a Le Pen victory. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2854 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 813 | Comments: 0
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