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Mahindra Group subsidiary, Mahindra Aerospace has been awarded a large aero-components production contract by Airbus Group company, Premium AEROTEC of Germany. The multi-year contract envisages the manufacture and supply by Mahindra of a variety of metallic components that will be fitted into several Airbus aircraft programs as part of assemblies produced by Premium AEROTEC. Mahindra Aerospace’s deliverables under this contract will be in excess of a million parts per annum. The parts will be produced at the new Mahindra Aerostructures facility located at Narsapura, near Bengaluru, India. Deliveries to Premium AEROTEC’s facilities in Germany are scheduled to commence this year. Announcing the contract award during the 2015 Paris Air Show at Le Bourget, senior representatives of the Airbus and Mahindra groups mentioned that this contract is aligned with the Indian Government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative and validates the two Groups’ commitment to accelerate India’s participation in the global aerospace industry while simultaneously creating high-growth opportunities within India’s burgeoning aerospace and defense eco-system. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // Business 
Added: 3570 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m25s | Views: 921 | Comments: 1
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Aircelle (Safran)’s highly innovative method to display logos, advertising or other messaging with thin electro-luminescent markings on airliners and business jets has been unveiled during its first flight aboard an Airbus A380. In an evaluation performed June 8 during the nighttime hours, the A380 testbed aircraft’s no. 1 outboard engine nacelle was outfitted with an Aircelle electro-luminescent display configured as an illuminated Airbus logo. Thanks to this flight, Aircelle was able to demonstrate the marking’s brightness, clarity and readability – confirming its outstanding visibility at various lighting conditions and distances. With the thickness of a decal, the “Illuminate the Sky by Aircelle” patented solution can be easily modified and reprogrammed, allowing for a variety of images or messages to be displayed and changed. It is capable of showing a full range of graphics, patterns and animations, with placement almost anywhere on an aircraft – from the fuselage and under-fuselage belly to the engine nacelles and tail. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3574 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 1016 | Comments: 2
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A symbolic first stone has just been placed for the new Aircelle (Safran) facility in Hamburg, Germany, which will assemble and deliver nacelles on Airbus A320neo jetliners equipped with CFM International LEAP-1A jet engines. Located at Hamburg Hausbruch, this 8,000-square-meter installation – situated on a 20,000-square-meter site – will handle the final steps in Aircelle’s full industrial responsibility for the A320neo nacelles: integration on the engine, followed by delivery to Airbus’ A320 assembly lines in Hamburg. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4002 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1316 | Comments: 2
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„Die Aufgabenstellung war nicht Sicherheit oder Ästhetik, Leistung oder Effizienz, Komfort oder Dynamik. Sondern in jeder Dimension war unser Anspruch: Das Beste oder nichts. Kein anderes Auto steht so für das Markenversprechen von Mercedes-Benz wie die S-Klasse“ gab sich Mercedes-Chef Dr. Dieter Zetsche bei der Vorstellung der neuen Luxuslimousine in Hamburg selbstbewusst. Vor rund 750 internationalen Gästen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien und musikalisch begleitet von den Hamburger Symphonikern und dem Weltstar Alicia Keys präsentierte Zetsche das Stuttgarter Flaggschiff im Airbus-Werk in Finkenwerder in einer Hollywood alle Ehre machenden Show und hofft, dass man mit einem Verkaufserfolg der S-Klasse die zahlreichen Negativ-Schlagzeilen der letzten Monate vergessen machen kann.
Tags // zetsche  mercedes  s-klasse  prmiere 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4318 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 1416 | Comments: 1



Nach rund vier Jahren Bauzeit hat der Frankfurter Flughafen heute den Flugsteig A-Plus – die 800 Meter lange Westerweiterung des Terminals 1, planmäßig eröffnet. Mit seiner Inbetriebnahme kann das größte deutsche Luftverkehrsdrehkreuz nun sechs Millionen zusätzliche Passagiere und somit insgesamt rund 65 Millionen Fluggäste pro Jahr abfertigen. Das 700 Millionen Euro teure Gebäude steht exklusiv der Deutschen Lufthansa AG sowie ihren Partnern des Luftfahrtbündnisses Star Alliance zur Verfügung und ist insbesondere auf die Abfertigung von Großraumflugzeugen wie dem Airbus 380 oder der Boeing 747 ausgelegt.
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4556 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1708 | Comments: 1
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NEW ATTRACTION: FOUR STORY BLUEBERRY JUICE BOTTLE ARRIVES IN MANHATTAN. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … a blueberry juice cocktail bottle? Travelers at New York’s John F. Kennedy International (JFK) airport got a big surprise today as crewmembers from hometown airline JetBlue Airways marshaled in the arrival of a 24,000 lb, 38 ft tall blueberry juice cocktail bottle with the airline’s latest Airbus A320 livery design, “Blueberries,” to commemorate the introduction of Ocean Spray’s first Blueberry product line. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5397 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 6569 | Comments: 2
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