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Search // aac
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In celebration of National Recovery Month, American Addiction Centers (AAC) announced today the launch of a nationwide campaign, 5 Misconceptions About Recovery: What We’ve Learned from Addiction Experts and Those in Recovery, to educate the public on the complexity of sobriety. The campaign also provides a comprehensive toolkit, which includes information on the stages of relapse, ways to support a loved one in recovery as well as a free paperback copy of CEO, Michael Cartwright’s book, Believable Hope. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2392 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 825 | Comments: 1
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Each day in the U.S. 91 people die from an opioid-related overdose, and the numbers are increasing. In observance of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, American Addiction Centers (AAC) and Recovery Brands are launching a nationwide awareness campaign on how to prevent deaths from opioid overdoses. The campaign features shareable online resources, including an animation video about how an overdose impacts a body, an infographic about how to administer overdose medication, and powerful videos of survivors sharing the life-saving lessons they learned during their darkest hours. “This is a meaningful endeavor as we partner with our parent company, AAC, in order to present several life-saving resources for people impacted by addiction,” said Ruchi Dhami, director of market insights and development at Recovery Brands, a provider of digital addiction treatment resources. “Since such a large amount of individuals look for information online about addiction and treatment, we wanted to ensure comprehensive education surrounding opioid overdoses existed and is easily accessible for individuals and families impacted by addiction.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2778 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m32s | Views: 751 | Comments: 1
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321Soft Video Converter can help you convert video files such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4 FLV, MKV files to HD format. (1080p video for new iPad included). It also convert HD videos to video format such as AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV, MOV, WMV etc. Besides, 321Soft Video Converter enables you to edit your video effect. crop video playing area, trim any clip of a video, merge several videos, and edit video effect. Now you can convert low res standard definition (SD) video to high definition (HD) quality! Supported Formats for Mac Video to HD Converter. Video: *.avi, *.wmv, *.asf, *.mkv, *.m2ts, *.m2t, *.mts, *.ts, *.tod, *.mod, *.vob, *.rm, *.rmvb, *.mov, *.qt, *.mp4, *.m4v, *.dv, *.3gp, *.3g2, *.3gp2, *.3gpp, *.mpg, *.mpeg, *.dat, *.vob, *.flv, *.orm, *.swf. Audio: *.mp3, *.wma, *.ra, *.ram, *.mpa, *.mp2, *.m4a, *.m4r, *.aac, *.mka, *.ac3, *.wav, *.ogg The following guide below will direct you how to convert SD Video to HD video on Mac OS X: Step 1. Free download HD video conversion software at . Install and run it. Step 2. Add video files. It convert almost any video format such as convert AVI, MPEG, MP4, FLV, MKV files etc. to HD video format. Step 3. Output settings. Click to choose files you want to convert to HD format and click Profile drop-down list to select a kind of HD profile. Step 4. After you have done all the steps above you can click \\\
Tags // video  converter  MKV  files  to  HD  convert  SD  Video  HD  video  Mac  video  converter  video  files  MKV  ficonvert  video  files 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4616 days ago by cvxcnhg
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 4132 | Comments: 0
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