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Search // 416
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From urgent flat roof repairs to complete flat roof replacements, we have become one of the most trusted industrial and commercial flat roofing contractors across the GTA. Call 416-744-7788 to book your free roof inspection today.
Categories // Business 
Added: 2017 days ago by michaellwaugh
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 1124 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - VHL Developments is a leading and innovative condominium construction company offering new condos for sale in Toronto. We specialized in Scarborough condos with the best architectural concepts. To find the best condo deals available according to your needs visit us or call at 416.391.4870 today.
Tags // toronto  condos  for  sale 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4092 days ago by melisarayul
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1096 | Comments: 0
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Porsche präsentiert auf der Auto Shanghai 2013 mit der zweiten Generation des Panamera den weltweit ersten Plug-in-Hybrid in der Luxusklasse. Neben dem S E-Hybrid mit 416 PS Systemleistung debütieren außerdem zwei luxuriöse Executive-Varianten mit verlängertem Radstand und ein komplett neu entwickelter Dreiliter-V6-Motor mit Biturbo-Aufladung für Panamera S und Panamera 4S. Der Panamera S E-Hybrid ist die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Parallel-Vollhybrids mit kraftvollerem Elektromotor, leistungsfähigerer und energiereicherer Batterie sowie externer Auflademöglichkeit am Stromnetz. Der Elektroantrieb leistet mit 95 PS (70 kW) mehr als doppelt so viel wie die 47 PS (34 kW) starke E-Maschine des Vorgängermodells. Er bezieht seine Energie aus der neu entwickelten Lithium-Ionen-Batterie, die mit 9,4 kWh über mehr als den fünffachen Energieinhalt der bisherigen 1,7 kWh-Batterie in Nickel-Metallhydrid-Technik verfügt.  
Tags // porsche  panamera  hybrid 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4340 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 2200 | Comments: 1



Brand new video off new mixtape
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4394 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m56s | Views: 5249 | Comments: 0
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Unfortunately, as Graham is adopted, he doesn\\\'t have an HLA-identical sibling to act as a donor for him. So the Red Cross here in Australia searched the Bone Marrow Registries worldwide for 9 months to find a match. Graham has a rare tissue type and a match was not found. Thanks to generous donations of over $400,000, Graham was able to travel from his home in Melbourne, Australia to Seattle in the USA for a revolutionary, life-saving stem cell treatment in April 2008. On Wed 6th August, he was the 8th person in the world to receive a Stem Cell Transplant using stem cells grown in the lab from an umbilical cord. The treatment was a complete success and he is now leukaemia free. He is back in Melbourne, recovering from the treatment but still has outstanding medical bills of $416,000.
Tags // graham  umbilical  cord  treatment  donate 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5841 days ago by donor4graham
Runtime: 8m16s | Views: 6904 | Comments: 0
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